Dragonspawn Pits Geographic Location in Theras | World Anvil

Dragonspawn Pits

The Dragonspawn Pits, also known as The Cave of Greed, is the divine realm of the draconic deity of Tiamat.   The realm consists of an enormous convoluted cavern that contains the lair of its deity and, at some distance, those of its various petitioners and other inhabitants.   The Dragonspawn Pits sprawls in a cluster of tall hills and mountains near a pillar made from the tormented heads of liars and a pit of maggots from which lemures emerge. One must fly (or, heavens forbid, swim) across the maggot pit to reach Tiamat's caves. Tiamat's lair contains the main gate to the second of the Nine Hells, Dis. To reach it, one must pass a chamber known as the Cave of Greed, which is filled with cursed treasure that compels the weak-willed to try to steal it. Tiamat has her own chamber within the complex, as do each of her five consorts, but it is possible to travel to Dis without disturbing her.
Alternative Name(s)
Caves of Greed, Tiamat's Lair
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