Elven Gateways Technology / Science in Theras | World Anvil

Elven Gateways

Elven Gateways are mystical portals that are created and maintained through the divine magic of The Seldarine, and the High Elves. These gateways are often found in hidden places in the forests, mountains, and other natural wonders. Elven Gateways are used for connecting two distant locations within the same plane of existence, or they can lead to other planes of existence entirely.  
To create an Elven Gateway, a High Elf must first find a suitable location. The location must be in a place where arcane magic is strong and the connection to the Seldarine is deep. Once the location has been chosen, the High Elf must gather the necessary materials. These materials include rare herbs and flowers, precious metals, and gemstones.   Once the materials have been gathered, the High Elf begins the process of creating the Elven Gateway. The High Elf uses their High Elven Magic to bend and shape the materials into the form of a portal. The High Elf then infuses the portal with their own life force, and with the power of the Seldarine with the aid of a cleric if needed.   The High elves can control the gateway and determine who is allowed to pass through it. Elven Gateways are often used by High Elves to travel quickly through the world, or to reach remote locations that would be difficult to access on foot.   Elven Gateways can also be used to connect different planes of existence. For example, a High Elf could create an Elven Gateway that leads to the Celestial Plane of Elysium, or to the Feywild. Elven Gateways of this type are often used by High Elves to communicate with otherworldly beings, or to seek their help.  
The Dangers of Elven Gateways
While Elven Gateways can be incredibly useful, they are also dangerous. The gateways can be unstable, and they can sometimes lead to unexpected destinations. If an Elven Gateway is not properly maintained, it can collapse, trapping anyone inside.   Elven Gateways can also be used by evil creatures to travel the world and spread their wickedness. For example, a demon could use an Elven Gateway to travel from the Abyss to the Material Plane.   Despite the dangers, Elven Gateways are an essential part of elven culture and magic. These gateways allow the High Elves to travel quickly and easily through the world, and to reach remote locations that would be difficult to access on foot. Elven Gateways also allow the High Elves to communicate with otherworldly beings and to seek their help.
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