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High Elven Magic

"Where Art embodies life, Lore encompasses thought, and Song epitomizes beauty, An Eldar emerges as the synthesis of these three elements, woven into a harmonious whole. No outsider, no other non-elf, can fathom achieving such a profound union of life, thought, and beauty to craft such magnificent wonders. Only the Eldar possess the innate ability to connect with the Weave in this transcendent manner. I am aware that some among the People, and occasionally certain knowledgeable humans, attempt to replicate these magics, yet their efforts merely echo the true essence of our craft. Humans mimic spells, but they have never truly felt the Art resonating in their breath, pulse, and heart as the Elves do. This truth, young one, you shall come to understand, or forever lament the absence of such magnificence in the realm of Art.
  High Elven Magic, often reffered to as Loreweaving is a form of magic that was developed by the Elves and it is the only kind of magic intertwined with Arcane Magic and Divine Magic. Almost all elves, except the Grey Elves are capable of casting such a spell.   High Elven Magic is an elegant fusion of elven natural affinity for magic and the blessings of their gods. It blends the ethereal energies of the elves' surroundings with the divine essence of their deities, creating a unique, potent force. It's a harmonious dance between the elves and their lands, a symbiotic relationship where the elves draw power from the Arcane, and in return, they enhance and protect it with their magical prowess. High Elven Magic is renowned for its connection to the cycles of nature, enabling mages to control elements, commune with spirits, and manipulate the very fabric of reality.     It is rumored that the Dark Seldarine, has a form of High Elven Magic of its own, however, this is something most unheard off, as the Dark Elves are divided and not trusting enough for this form of magic to take hold.   In the 9th century AB, it was told that many Dark Elves and Sehan Elves were indeed cooperating and casting a high elven magic to protect the temples of Eilistraee in Zirnykali.  


Its origins are deeply intertwined with the dawn of elven civilization, drawing power from the harmonious relationship between the elves, their land, and the divine energies that flow through the mystical veins of their realm. It is believed that the first Elves mages were gifted this knowledge by the elven pantheon during the Era of Bridges, a divine blessing bestowed upon them for their unwavering devotion.  
High Elven Magic is a rare and revered art, practiced by a select few within the elven society. Mages are chosen based on their innate magical aptitude, spiritual connection and wisdom. Training in High Elven Magic is arduous and requires years of study, meditation, and communion with the planes.  
Requirements to Cast High Elven Magic
  • Number of Casters - Most High Elven Magic are requiring two arcane casters, however there might be some spells that might involve combinations of divine and arcane casters that only together, could be able to cast those spells. - However there might be some that
  • Minimum Caster Level - Each caster must atleast be able to cast 8th-level spell.
  • Rituals - It should be noted that most High Elven Magic are cast as rituals, often days.
  • Corellon's Discretion - It should be noted that Corellon Larethien is capable of blocking high magic, at his discretion.

Power Rate of the Spells

The power of the spells is insurmountable in terms of power that can wipe out entire continents or remand destructions, such as those from the The Elemental and Genies Wars.  

The Art

High Magic defies easy definition; it is a blend of both old and ritualistic practices, but it is also much more. It is an artistry that connects deeply with the elven essence, an intricate tapestry of ceremonies as vital as elven blood, creating a communion between the elven casters and the very fabric of the Weave itself. Those proficient in this formidable Art are known in secrecy as the the Art's Disciples, or the High Mages. Non-elves stand defenseless against the immense powers wielded by High Magic, and even elves hold a mixture of awe and trepidation toward these forces and their bearers. It should be noted that most elves, too, find themselves inadequate in the face of the energies and disciplines of Disciples.   High Elven Magic is a well-guarded knowledge among the elves. While its existence is acknowledged, its ceremonies and practitioners remain veiled, unacknowledged publicly. It's an open secret, whispered about but never openly discussed. High Mages, despite their immense powers, are officially recognized as nothing more than wizards, a humble facade. In the spirit of elven camaraderie and sharing, the enigmatic intricacies of High Magic cannot be shared openly. Thus, among elves, it is considered best left unspoken. It is a force beyond the grasp of most mages, akin to how magic eludes the nimble fingers of thieves. While many elves remain oblivious to the identities of High Mages, a few have been publicly known as practitioners. Despite the lack of official acknowledgment, those who are "known" or suspected to be High Mages garner significant reverence due to the enigmatic power they wield, and the awe and respect it instills.  

Understanding the Art

To grasp the essence of High Magic, one must delve into the intricate tapestry of elven life. Elves are born into a profound sense of community, an intrinsic connection that forms a shared consciousness among them. This mental link, a collective bond, can be enhanced through magical means and rituals, enabling elves to merge their minds and spirits with others who share similar beliefs. Elven reverie, a deeply reflective state, not only delves into an individual elf's experiences but also serves as a meditation upon the lives of all members within a tribe or community.   At its core, elven High Magic starkly illustrates the profound contrast between humanity and the elves. Human magic, mastered without divine influence, is inherently individualistic. Wizards rely solely on their own knowledge and abilities. Rare instances aside, human magic rarely extends beyond a singular caster, necessitating trust and cooperation—qualities believed to be scarce among humans by elven standards. In contrast, elven magic thrives on collaboration and community. High Magic stands as a testament to the elves' core beliefs—emphasizing the principle of "all for one and one for all", a reflection of their deeply ingrained cultural ideals.   The unique connection between elves and their spirits constitutes one of the primary factors granting them the exclusive mastery of High Magic. The essence of High Magic hinges on the harmony of mind, spirit, emotions, and a profound sense of self and community within the High Mage and their immediate environment. When discord prevails among elves, whether it be within their community or involving a High Mage, the emotional turmoil can occasionally seep into the Weave, disrupting rituals and causing even potent High Magic to falter. Disharmony among elves renders High Magic nearly unattainable, for its potency heavily relies on the supportive energy emanating from the surrounding community.

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