Emperor of Balikhan Rank/Title in Theras | World Anvil

Emperor of Balikhan

Emperor of Balikhan is a traditional title for the leader of the League of Balikhan. While today, they don't have an emperor, they still regard their president by this name as honor to their old home.


Balikhan is led by a single figurehead, the Emperor or Empress. The title is hereditary, passing to a designated child upon the current ruler's death, but with a crucial safeguard: the Grand Council's approval. This council serves as a powerful check on the Emperor's authority.   The Grand Council itself is a prestigious body composed of up to 1,000 exceptionally skilled magic users from their respective city states. Membership isn't automatic; only those achieving ultimate mastery in their magical fields earn a coveted seat.
Alternative Naming
Empress of Balikhan


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