League of Balikhan Organization in Theras | World Anvil

League of Balikhan

The League of Balikhan is a league of Southern men that arrived in 1,053 BB in the lands of Balikhan, in the northern-western part of Rakion.   The league is a formidable force, both political and cultural driven by a deep devotion to the Arqmati Pantheon and living in federation of city-states.


While the League of Balikhan operates as a federation of independent city-states and each city-state has its own governing body, such as a council or ruling class, with varying degrees of autonomy, the vast League of Balikhan is governed by a dual authority. The emperor/empress reigns supreme, wielding ultimate power. They are advised and supported by a council of one thousand, comprised of the empire's most potent magic users who rule the city states themselves. This council acts as a check on the Empress's power and ensures magical dominance within the empire's leadership.


Refugees of Magic: The Rise and Rivalry of Balikhan
Fleeing a war from a plane that was destroyed, the Balikhanite arrived to Rakion, with their magical knowledge diminished but stil far exceeding that of the native Menedynn who lost all in those years after the final destruction of their homeland.   The Balikhanites swiftly established themselves, conquering their new land and initiating trade with their neighbors. However, their ambitions grew. Around 93 AB hundred years ago, the burgeoning The Bafigronian people caught their eye. Balikhanite sought to expand its dominion, leading to a large scale war.   The animosity between the two empires has simmered ever since as the bafigronian gained more ground to the east and south, espacialy between the vassal kingdom of Keatis
  Through the birth of Arqmat and his teachings of The Eternal Truth, the Balikhanite found a renewed faith.

Demography and Population

As a federation of city-states, the League of Balikhan likely has a more urban-oriented culture. Their practices may be shaped by the interactions, trade, and diversity found within the city-states. They might have distinct architectural styles, urban traditions, and cultural events that are unique to their settlements


Despite their focus on martial prowess, the League of Balikhan never forgot their devotion to the Arqmati Pantheon. They held steadfast in their worship of the pantheon's deities, conducting rituals and ceremonies to seek their blessings and guidance in their conquests. The league's warriors believed that their victories were a testament to the favor bestowed upon them by the gods they revered.   The league's commitment to the Arqmati Pantheon extended beyond the battlefield. They built grand temples and shrines in honor of the gods, where their warriors and followers gathered to offer prayers and sacrifices. These sacred sites became symbols of the league's devotion and were regarded as places of great power and reverence.

Foreign Relations

As the League of Balikhan expanded its influence, they clashed with rival factions and neighboring territories who stood in their path. Their conquests brought them into conflicts with various forces, including, the The Emirate of Al Mdiya, the The Sultans of Buqmat, Zirnyakil, Waleapia and The Majestic Kingdom of Keatis. However, through their unwavering faith in the Arqmati Pantheon and their relentless pursuit of victory, they prevailed against these adversaries time and time again.   The current political atmosphere in Balikhan can be described as tense and vigilant. Balikhan maintains a firm grip on its territories and is vigilant against any external threats that may seek to undermine their power or influence. The league is cautious about the neighboring dark elf faction's shifting allegiance, as it poses a potential threat to their stability and security.

Trade & Transport

The Sultans of Buqmat maintain trade relations with settled communities, seeking mutual benefit through bartering and exchange. Their interactions with settled communities are influenced by their nomadic lifestyle, with a focus on adaptability and mobility.
Founding Date
1,053 BB
Leader Title
Major Exports
Fine Weapons and Armor
The warriors of Balikhan are renowned for their craftsmanship, producing exceptional weapons, armor, and other military equipment. These goods are highly sought after and are a significant export for the league.
Fine Horses
Balikhan boasts a thriving cavalry, and they breed and train exceptional horses renowned for their speed, endurance, and strength. These horses are in high demand, both within the league and from external buyers.
Major Imports
Exotic Goods
Balikhan imports a variety of exotic goods from the Grand Empire of Arkolion, including rare spices, luxurious fabrics, and unique artifacts that hold both aesthetic and cultural value.  
Technology and Knowledge
The league recognizes the importance of advancements in technology and knowledge. They import skilled craftsmen, engineers, and scholars from neighboring regions to enhance their own capabilities.
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities


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