Erathaol Character in Theras | World Anvil

Erathaol (eh-rah-THAY-oh)

Erathaol the Seer, is a member of the Celestial Hebdomad Hebdomad and ruler of Venya, the Pearly Heaven of Mount Celestia. His symbol is a dragon. Erathaol is a patron of seers and prophets and a great prophet himself, predicting events before their occurrence in the planes.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Erathaol is a tome archon. He is tall—standing at about eight feet (two meters)— and have pearly skin, long golden hair, white feathery wings, and a humanlike face. Technically without biological sex, he appearד with masculine traits, and he speaks in a deep voice.   Erathaol wears rich blue robes, which are decorated with arcane symbols stitched and sewn with silver thread and pearls.   Erathaol spends his time in his great library watching the multiverse unfold in time, paying special attention to children that he knows that will have great destinies.

Special abilities

Erathaol has all of the powers common to tome archons. In addition to these, unique magical abilities are available to him. He can breathe under water. He can detect chaos and see any creature as they truly were. By thought alone, he can consecrate an area with positive energy, dispel evil and all but the most powerful magical effects, make a site holy, bring the favor of the gods to his allies, instill hope in subjects within range, send a short message to an individual anywhere in the multiverse, defend himself with a mystical shield, fill an evil creature with intense feelings of remorse, and grant a subject a vision of the Seven Heavens. With a single, spoken holy word, he can slay or banish wicked beings, and he can whisper messages to recipients at a distance.   Once a day, Erathaol can perform a miracle. Three times per day, he can grant someone special insight toward any task.   Erathaol's true powers are in his prophetic giftings. He has truly great celestial knowledge, such that it is said that he knows of all lore and legends and can analyze dweomers in moments. He is impossible to surprise or catch off-guard because of his foresight.

Specialized Equipment

Erathaol bears an ornate and magical holy quarterstaff that is flaming at one end and covered in frost at the other.   He dwell in the library fortress of Xiranthador, a vast library of knowledge located under the sea.

Personality Characteristics


The Seer םד both regal and wise. He despiseד combat, as did most archons.


Contacts & Relations

One of Erathaol's favored sword archon servants is Melevon, and this servant is sent to deliver many messages for the Hebdomad to mortals in the Outlands or the Prime Material Plane.
Divine Classification
Lesser Power
Ruled Locations


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