Venya Geographic Location in Theras | World Anvil


Venya, also known as the Pearly Heaven, was the third layer of Mount Celestia. it is the location of the Greenfields , the collective divine realm of the halfling pantheon.    

Notable Locations

The Glass Tarn
A cold mountain lake that contained conduits to the Astral Plane, the Elemental Plane of Water, Ysgard, and the Outlands. It is rumored to grant prophecies or visions to visitors who provided it with sincere offers. Green Fields
The realm of Yondalla, Arvoreen and Cyrrollalee, as well as the final resting place of halfling souls.  
The ruler of Venya is Erathaol, one of the celestial paragons of the archons.


The layer are softly illuminated by an iridescent white sky whose appearance resembled mother-of-pearl. Unlike Mercuria, whose mountains are jagged and tall, Venya's mountains are smooth and round, all covered in meadows, arable land, woodlands, or mountain vegetation such as alpine grasses and shrubs. Some have snowy peaks. The rivers that run through the layer are warming, only partially freezing during winter. The layer's petitioners have dammed some of the smaller creeks to form lakes to irrigate their fields and to power mills in the carefully tended fields.
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