Faustian Deals Tradition / Ritual in Theras | World Anvil

Faustian Deals

Faustian deals are considered a devil's most effective tool for corrupting mortals. While both parties receive a copy, the devil is hesitant to provide the mortal's copy unless pressured. The mortal's signature is typically bound with blood, adding an extra layer of weight to the agreement. There are two primary pact types, known only by devils as Pact Certain and Pact Insidious, as the actual names sound far too ominous for mortal ears.  

Pact of Certain

Devils favor Pact Certaintiess for their swiftness. The mortal immediately surrenders their soul to Baator upon death in exchange for a desired service. These pacts are notoriously difficult to contest, with the burden of proof lying on the mortal to demonstrate duress, such as threats of torture.  

Pact Insidious

The Pact Insidious is a more nuanced agreement. A mortal and a devil exchange services: the devil provides something the mortal desires, and in return, the mortal performs specific actions aligning with the devil's goals. These "follow-up contracts" can offer escalating benefits to the mortal in exchange for increasingly devilish behaviors. Failure to comply results in the mortal losing the pact's benefits. While agreeing to a Pact Insidious doesn't automatically condemn your soul to Baator, fulfilling its terms pushes you steadily towards that fate. These pacts also contain a binding clause that forbids the mortal from discussing the contract's contents with anyone.  

Price of Power

The benefits a devil offers are carefully calculated based on the likelihood of the mortal's soul ending up in Baator anyway. Those unlikely to reach Baator naturally have more bargaining power. Conversely, if a mortal is already predisposed towards evil, the devil holds less leverage. Ultimately, a devil's resources are finite, so they must carefully consider the investment required to secure a soul. Beyond the inherent likelihood of damnation, a mortal's power and influence also factor into the equation. Royals or skilled adventurers with significant influence command better terms than a beggar.   The benefits a mortal can reap from a pact typically involve the devil's resources. This could include access to a network of spies for information gathering, contracted raiders to acquire wealth, or insider trading opportunities facilitated by infernal cultists. Actual magical assistance from a devil is rare, only offered when the desired service cannot be provided through mundane means. In extreme cases, an archdevil might even be petitioned to cast a miracle for the mortal.  

Beating the Devil's Bargain

There are two situations where a mortal can legally contest a devil's claim on their soul, but the catch is significant – it can only occur after death, when the soul has already reached Baator. Devils, unsurprisingly, do little to advertise this fact.
  • Coerced Contracts
    If a mortal can prove they were forced into a pact through duress, such as threats of violence, the contract may be deemed invalid.
  • Devilish Deception
    If the devil fails to uphold their end of the bargain, the contract loses its power.
  Should a challenge arise, a fair trial is conducted in The Nine Hells. The deceased mortal receives an advocate, usually a falxugon or an erinyes. The mortal can also choose their own advocate, and devils even assist in contacting them. However, this advocate is left to their own devices in figuring out how to travel to Baator for the trial. The devil's side presents their case for the soul's damnation, typically argued by a pit fiend judge who surprisingly maintains a neutral stance.   While it's possible to win your case, even a successful outcome might not mean immediate escape from Baator. If the mortal's actions and moral compass still align with evil inclinations, they may be condemned to remain in Baator for their inherent wickedness.
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