Gate of War Building / Landmark in Theras | World Anvil

Gate of War

The Saltisian Gate of War is a massive archway built into the perimetric wall of the royal palace in the Kingdom of Saltis . In times of peace, the archway is filled with gravel; in war, the gravel is removed, symbolizing that the king is as vulnerable as any other citizen and that the common masses are invited to reside within the palace grounds.


Following the Battle on the Hildari and the death of Guy D'euponnet, his son, Gaspard D'euponnet, ordered a portion of the wall to be demolished. The reason for this order is debated; by some accounts it was in a fit of rage, by others as an act of mourning, and one account by Giacomo Vetinaldi cites Gaspard as proclaiming "...what good is this wall could not protect him?"; Regardless, the act was accompanied by an invitation for the Saltisian populace to dwell within the royal grounds.   With the conclusion of the Saltisian war for independence the archway was ordered to be built; though construction began in 764, it was delayed due to the escalation of The Taldirian War. The 40 ft. archway was completed in 773, but before the gate could be constructed the conflict in Archduchy of Taldir became a total war between the kingdom of Ader and the former archduchy; this was interperted by Guy's vicar as a sign to leave the gate as it is and join the war, leading to the gate's current form.
Archway / Triumphal Arch


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