Gates of the Moon Geographic Location in Theras | World Anvil

Gates of the Moon

The Gates of the Moon is Lune's divine realm. It is located in the Ysgard {Layer}.   On the first layer of Ysgard, magic is altered such that most wizard spells require a school-specific rune to be inscribed on the material components, and if a spell had no material component, the rune had to be incorporated into the verbal component. A visiting wizard would have to learn the correct runes from the local inhabitants, or come by the knowledge some other way, in order to cast any spell other than strength or melee combat spells (i.e., enlarge, fly, haste, jump, polymorph, stoneskin, strength, etc. all worked as normal without engraved runes).   Another quirk of this plane is that any summon monster spell only summoned einheriar. Divination, necromantic, and wild magic spells were enhanced in Lune's realm, but weather-related spells that could cause the moon to be obscured failed utterly. Divine spellcasters do not have the runic restriction, but start to lose their higher level spells if their deity is far removed from Ysgard.   It is a misty realm, where the ever-present moon waxes and wanes, causing regular tides in the sea as well as shifts in the personality of the inhabitants. The brighter the moon, the more happy, friendly, and stable are the natives. As the moonlight fades, the locals become sullen, withdrawn, and even angry or hopeless.   The Gates of the Moon is shared by Lune. and has Lune's blessing which brought, the creation of a wondrous drink from the nectar of a flower growing in the realm, which supposedly granted visions of the future.   The River Oceanus is faintly connected with the sea surrounding the realm. The connection is tenuous and its strength varied with the tides, but it is possible for explorers to get directions to the river from lillends, if they so choose to help.  
Many celestial beings inhabit the Gates of the Moon. The angelic servants of lune were female planetars known as the Shards. The lillendi, when not patrolling the Infinite Staircase, also make their home here, as did the slivers. Many eladrin dwell on this plane or the attached demiplane known as the Court of Stars. Most numerous are the petitioners of all the deities that have a realm here. These include the embodied spirits of sailors, female spellcasters, good-hearted lycanthropes, bards, explorers, wanderers, travelers, and mystics. They appear much paler than they did in life.   Many mortals also live in or visit the Gates of the Moon. In the Year of Sundered Webs, 6,000 BB, at the moment of the Fall of Menedynn, Lune rescued a Menedynn enclave by transporting it to this plane, where it resides ever since. Over the years, the Lunites interbred with Selûne's servitors and their descendant aasimars inherited the floating city. Mortal lycanthropes occasionally make their way to this plane to be relieved of the burden of their condition. Here, by the grace of lune, werecreatures have complete control over their bodily changes and their mental state in any form. Chaos dragons are known to frequent this plane also.  
Notable Locations
Mahogany, a city located on a swampy river delta
Location under


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