Glitterhell Geographic Location in Theras | World Anvil


Glitterhell is the divine realm of Orosaban.   It's a place of great natural beauty, if you like gold and gems. The true location of the Glitterhell is unknown, and Orosaban maintains several false locations of his realm to throw off the greedy men and dwarves who are always attempting to steal his gold.  
Special Features
Glitterhell has color, which os rare on Hades. The color allows people who fell into despair on Hades to regain some measure of hope. The place is also one of the few disease-free zones on Oinos. This is Orosaban's doing. He cares for his own health as well as that of his petitioners', the latter's because being sick would hurt their productivity in their service to him.   It is impossible for valuables to go unnoticed by the Avaricious on Glitterhell. He detects every piece of precious metal even when it is inside a bag of holding or similar device.  
The place is ruled by Orosaban. Everything in his realm is done to satisfy his greed. He thinks every piece of precious metal inside his realm is his; this attitude leads his servants to steal valuables for him. Due to this, Glitterhell's citizens has no money or other valuables of their own.  
As mentioned above, Glitterhell's citizens has no money or other valuables. This leads to the creation of a barter system where goods and services are exchanged for each other. Haggling is done until both parties came to the conclusion that they have the best deal, but it often comes to physical brawls over details.  
Notable Locations
Glitterhell is divided into three parts: Orosaban's Hall, the Mines, and the Village.  
  • Orosaban's Hall It is forbidden for anyone to enter this place except for Orosaban and his proxies. Those who do not fall into the aforementioned categories are killed under the assumption that they are thieves. In the center of it is the Trove of Orosaban, the vault of the Trove Lord, where everything of value including things of relatively little value like copper pieces, are stored.
  • The Mines This is the place where dwarven petitioners dug up gold and silver for Orosaban. The Mines hold any kind of metal but only gold and silver—and some gems—are actually mined because these are the only goods seen as valuable enough for the Wyrm of Avarice. These mines never rub dry. It is believed the Great Master of Greed robbed prime material worlds of their ore veins and that to be the reason that ore veins can run dry there.
  • The Village This place is the only village on Glitterhell. Petitioners and planar beings who think living there is preferable to living outside on Oinos lived there. Just about everything is built hastily and with little effort because if something of value is created, Orosaban steals it for himself.
  • Petitioners Dwarven petitioners live in the Glitterhell. There, they work for Orosaban in his mines and steal treasures for him. Unlike other petitioners of Hades, they do not live in a state of despair and apathy and are actually capable of feeling emotions like jealousy.
  • Planars A planar being's treatment changed depending on the race he or she belonged to. A non-dwarf is little more than a slave and served in the function of a miner or an apprentice to crafters.


Glitterhell is in a cavern deep underground Oinos. It has a lot of false entrances on the surface of the first gloom of Hades.These false entrances are lethally trapped by the dwarven deity of greed with the purpose of keeping intruders out in order to protect his valuables. The aforementioned entrances literally shine in golden color, something rare on Hades, and while they lure treasure seekers and the likes into traps, fiends stay away from it out of fear of the Abbathor's rage. However, the cavern's tunnels reach quite far and it is rumored that creatures from Oinos can not only use it to sneak into the Glitterhell with success but also steal goods from there.
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