Orosaban Character in Theras | World Anvil

Orosaban (Or-oh-sa-ban)

Orosaban is the dwarven god of greed also known as the Trove Lord or the Wyrm of Avarice. He embodies the darkest aspects of dwarven desire for wealth and possessions.   Dwarves, naturally drawn towards material wealth, are proving particularly vulnerable to Orosaban's whispers. He actively seeks to corrupt the entire dwarven race, twisting their inherent appreciation for craftsmanship into a consuming greed. This, he believes, is the ultimate act of defiance against the distant patriarch who spurned him.   On the surface, Orosaban is reviled by dwarven society. "Gone to Orosaban" is a common dwarven curse, a lament for lost treasure. However, a dark truth lurks beneath. Dwarves, by their very nature, possess a strong inclination towards wealth and few can deny the alluring glint of gold or the thrill of a profitable discovery. In this sense, Orosaban embodies a twisted aspect of the dwarven psyche, a lurking temptation that most dwarves recognize. Thus, with a mixture of grudging acceptance and veiled disapproval, many dwarves acknowledge Orosaban's place within the Morndinsamman pantheon, viewing him as a distasteful yet undeniable facet of their identity.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

The Sabanaror are preyed upon many from the Dwarven Society.   The Sabanaror, under Orosaban's guidance, amass vast hoards – not for personal gain, but to further their god's agenda. These riches are either hidden away in secret locations or sacrificed in elaborate rituals to appease the Trove Lord.  
Hidden deep within mountains, Orosaban's temples are windowless sanctuaries carved from the living rock. Massive, blackened stone altars stand as grim testaments to countless sacrifices offered to the god of greed. The walls, adorned with stolen gold leaf, glitter with an ostentatious wealth that both tempts and conceals.   Orosaban’s secret, windowless subterranean temples feature sacrificial altars of massive stone blocks blackened by countless fires. Commonly painted with gold leaf and filled with purloined valuables, strangers-frequently confuse Orosabanin temples for treasure chambers, a problem that has resulted in more than a few adventuring parties raiding for loot in the midst of some religious ceremony. Though he hatches his plans in secret, Orosaban’s masterplan is dedicated to undermining the dwarves way of life. The bulk of the dwarves pantheon has not noticed, however, and most mortal dwarves remain completely oblivious to the Veild Hand’s true plans. He directs his church to acquire as much wealth as possible from no dwarves and hide it away or sacrifice it to him.   The sacrificial altars, while imposing, are simple and devoid of ornamentation – a stark contrast to the ostentatious displays of wealth adorning the walls. Non-dwarves who stumble upon these hidden sanctuaries often panic when the sacrificial fires are lit, the sight of billowing smoke a chilling portent of the dark rituals taking place within. The stolen treasures lining the walls further heighten the sense of unease, a constant reminder of the Sabanaror's avarice and the ever-present threat posed by Orosaban, the Veiled Hand.  
New recruits to the Sabanaror are known as Glint-Eyes. These novices are consumed by a nascent avarice, their eyes perpetually drawn to the promise of wealth. They undergo rigorous training, honing their skills in acquisition and learning the subtle art of manipulation.  
  1. Copper Clutch:
    Having proven their dedication, Glint-Eyes ascend to the rank of Copper Clutch. These acolytes are entrusted with overseeing the collection of modest offerings, learning the importance of every coin and gem in furthering Orosaban's agenda.
  3. Silver Scroungers:
    Adept Acolytes who demonstrate exceptional talent become Silver Scroungers. These wardens manage the Sabanaror's growing coffers, ensuring the collected wealth is not squandered but strategically invested to expand Orosaban's influence.
  5. Electrum Emissary:
    Silver Scroungers who showcase both zeal and cunning are elevated to the rank of Electrum Emissary. These emissaries travel throughout dwarven society, spreading Orosaban's doctrine of avarice and subtly manipulating dwarves towards a more materialistic path.
  7. Gold Guardians:
    The most successful Electrum Emissaries become Gold Guardians. These elite priests oversee the Sabanaror's greatest treasures, ensuring their security and plotting ever more audacious schemes to add to their growing stockpiles.
  9. Platinum Plunderers:
    Gold Guardians renowned for their ruthlessness and resourcefulness ascend to the rank of Platinum Plunderers. These fearsome dwarves lead daring raids to acquire wealth for Orosaban, striking fear into the hearts of those who hoard their riches.
  11. Mithril Magnates:
    The pinnacle of the Sabanaror hierarchy is reserved for the most miserly and cunning dwarves. These legendary figures are known as Mithril Magnates. They hoard not only vast wealth but also arcane secrets related to avarice and the manipulation of dwarven desires.
  13. The Ivory Avarice:
    Leading the Sabanaror are the Ivory Avarice, a council of ancient dwarven priests. Each member possesses a unique title reflecting their area of expertise, but collectively they are known as the Consortium of Covetousness. These scheming elders guide the Sabanaror from the shadows, their decisions shaping the fate of the entire dwarven race.
Day-to-Day Activities
Like their avaricious god, Sabanaror priests prioritize accumulating wealth. They leverage their positions and influence to secure a healthy personal cut from any deal or transaction. These ill-gotten gains are stashed away in meticulously guarded, remote locations – a testament to the shared ambition of attaining enough wealth to retire in opulent luxury.
Orosaban's Commandment
This infamous decree forbids Sabanaror priests from stealing from, or actively harming, any fellow follower of Orosaban. This law arose from a dark period when enraged dwarves targeted and slaughtered anyone suspected of being an Sabanaror priest. Orosaban, in a display of self-preservation, intervened, enforcing this commandment to ensure the survival of his dwindling clergy.

  The Greater Good
While enriching themselves is a significant motivator, the Sabanaror also hold a broader goal: the prosperity of all dwarves. They collaborate, when possible, with the clergy of Vergadain (god of commerce) and Dumathoin (patron of miners) to achieve this aim. Across the land, Sabanaror priests constantly seek opportunities for dwarven economic gain, often resorting to underhanded tactics for maximum profit. Their intimate knowledge of dwarven tunnels and passages makes them unparalleled smugglers, creating a network of clandestine routes that circumvent official trade restrictions and taxes. Only their aversion to water limits their dominance in this realm, as they lack the naval capacity to control seaborne trade routes.

  Business Partners
Despite the dwarven disdain for certain races like duergar, drow, mind flayers, and even giants, the Sabanaror are willing to do business with anyone – for the right price. Their insatiable greed supersedes traditional dwarven prejudices, leading them to forge temporary alliances with these unsavory entities.

  Cunning Greed
While consumed by an insatiable desire for wealth, Sabanaror priests have learned to temper their greed with cunning and subtlety. Gone are the days of crude, smash-and-grab tactics. They now employ sophisticated schemes and devious manipulation to achieve their goals. Those seeking services requiring a certain level of dishonorable conduct know that for a hefty fee, an Sabanaror priest can be their discreet facilitator. Trusted Sabanaror followers often act as intermediaries, arranging safe meetings between outsiders and the clergy, ensuring minimal risk of violence or capture.

  The Secret War
The Sabanaror secretly undermine the faith of Dumathoin (the god who usurped Orosaban's desired position) and Berronar (the revered protector against theft). Their motivation is a mix of vengeance and self-interest. They despise Dumathoin for taking the role Orosaban believes is rightfully his, and they resent Berronar's efforts to thwart their thievery. However, these subversive actions must remain a closely guarded secret, known only to the highest echelons of the Sabanaror hierarchy. The safety of the dwarven clan always takes precedence, forcing the Sabanaror to adopt a slow and patient approach in their religious warfare

Wyrm Cults
Orosaban secretly supports certain leaders within the Wyrm Cult, a dwarven sect that venerates dragons. These specialty priests are known as Noroghor. They manipulate the Wyrm Cult from within, subtly twisting their draconic reverence towards the acquisition of draconic hoards, further enriching Orosaban in the process.  
Other Servants
Orosaban is served by aurumvorae, crysmals, dragons consumed with avarice, earth elemental vermin, earth weirds, ghost dragons, hetfish, incarnates of covetousness, khaasta, rappers, rust monsters, tso,werebadgers, and xavers.  


Unlike most dwarven clerics, Sabanaror priests find solace in darkness. While above ground, they pray for their spells under the cloak of night, viewing solar eclipses, volcanic eruptions, and any event that obscures the sun as divine blessings – opportunities to enact their thievery under the cover of darkness.   The blessings bestowed by Orosaban upon his followers are subtle but impactful. These can range from causing careless guards to doze off or become inexplicably distracted, to manipulating shadows during an escape or conjuring moonlit clouds to conceal a fleeing thief. Desperate dwarves seeking Orosaban's immediate favor can make offerings throughout the year, but such acts are not without risk. Additionally, a first-time worshiper at an Sabanaror temple is expected to present an offering upon entering the sacred space.

Tenets of Faith

  • Theras' bounty belongs to those with the cunning and skill to claim it. By any means necessary, dwarves should seize the treasures the world offers.
  • Delight in the possession of all riches that shimmer and sparkle. Their very brilliance is a testament to their inherent value and brings joy to the owner's heart.
  • A healthy dose of avarice is a virtue, not a vice. It fuels the drive to acquire and hold onto precious things, ensuring their proper appreciation.
  • While wealth is enticing, respect for the Morndinsamman comes first. Stealing from one's kin weakens the clan, a price far too high for any bauble.
  • The favored of Orosaban, the Trove Lord, are not to be preyed upon. Internal conflict fueled by greed only hinders dwarven prosperity. Seek riches elsewhere, and let Orosaban's champions prosper.


Solar eclipses and days when volcanic eruptions or other causes bring darkness during daytime are always considered holy days.  
Night of Glinting Greed
Once a year, the Sabanaror gather for a somber ceremony known as the Night of Glinting Greed. During this ritual, a creature – typically an enemy of the dwarves – is chosen as a sacrifice, known as Coinhold of Orosaban. While elves or even boars can suffice, orcs, trolls, and giants are considered the most pleasing offerings to Abbathor.
Coinhold of Orosaban
Once a year, a gruesome ceremony takes center stage. The Sabanaror capture and sacrifice an enemy of the dwarves – orcs, trolls, or giants are preferred offerings. With a barbaric ritual, they tear open the unfortunate creature's ribcage, transforming it into a grotesque symbol – "The Coinhold of Orosaban". Into this macabre offering, the assembled Sabanaror cast their most prized possessions – coins and gems – a final act of devotion before setting the entire offering ablaze for their avaricious god.   The culmination of the ceremony is a blazing inferno. The sacrificed creature, along with the offered gems, is consumed by a raging fire. Legend whispers that particularly powerful magic or exceptionally valuable gems might vanish before the flames die down, claimed by Orosaban for his ever-growing hoard. More cynical dwarves suspect these disappearances line the pockets of certain Sabanaror priests.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Orosaban manifests as a very large dwarf, fat and piggy-eyed. He wears leather and furs made from those non-dwarves who have opposed him in the past.   When Orosaban's avatar walks the Realms, his presence is heralded by two distinct manifestations. Firstly, should anyone utter his name in his avatar's vicinity, an invisible hand might snatch at the speaker's purse, pockets, or jewelry – a chilling warning not to tempt the Veiled Hand. If this spectral hand succeeds in loosening any object, it might vanish into hiding, later to be claimed by Orosaban.   Finally, when Orosaban's avatar, or a chosen dwarf blessed by the god, approaches a cache of gems (whether cut and polished or still embedded in rock), these precious stones may erupt in a high-pitched, melodic chime. This ethereal song is audible to all and serves a dual purpose: to guide Orosaban or his chosen one towards the treasure, and to alert others to the presence of a valuable hidden hoard.  

Additional Manifestations

The Glimmering King
In the presence of a vast hoard, Orosaban might manifest as a towering figure, his body composed entirely of shimmering gemstones – rubies, emeralds, diamonds, all fused together in a grotesque mockery of beauty. His eyes, burning embers within the jewel-flesh, radiate a hypnotic glow that can lure the unwary to their doom.  
The Dragon of Coin
When Orosaban seeks to corrupt a dwarf on the verge of a great discovery, he might take the form of a monstrous dragon. This draconic monstrosity is not made of scales, but of countless interlocking coins, each one tarnished and worn. Its fiery breath is a torrent of molten gold, and its roar a cacophony of clinking coins.  
The Whispering Shadow
In the dank depths of forgotten mines and treasure vaults, Orosaban can manifest as a shadowy figure, its form barely discernible in the darkness. A raspy voice, filled with promises of unimaginable wealth, emanates from the inky blackness, tempting dwarves to delve deeper into the perilous depths.  
The Bejeweled Beggar
Sometimes, Orosaban appears as a pathetic, cowering beggar. His rags are adorned with imitation gemstones, his eyes filled with a feigned despair. This guise is used to prey on the compassionate nature of dwarves, luring them into a false sense of security before striking when their guard is down.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Orosaban, the Trove Lord, wasn't always the embodiment of avarice he is known as today. In his distant past, he held a curious fascination with the natural beauty of gemstones and metals. However, this fascination took a dark turn when Moradin, the dwarven pantheon's leader, declared Dumathoin the patron of mountain dwarves – a position Orosaban had yearned for since his "birth" as a deity.   When Orosaban's desire was denied, it ignited a deep-seated resentment that forever warped his nature. He abandoned the honorable traditions of the dwarven race, embracing trickery and secrecy in their stead. This rejection fueled a single, consuming oath: never to be denied again. Anything that sparked his insatiable desire - be it a glittering gem or a hoard of gold - became his for the taking, regardless of the cost.   Though Berronar hates Orosaban with a fierce intensity and Dumathoin is happy to return his disdain, the rest of the pantheon has no clue that Orosaban plots to modify the entire race of dwarves into his greed-obsessed followers. Most see him as a distasteful, obsessed, spiteful brother who nonetheless aids the pantheon in times of strife and who remains, at the end, a steadfast ally. Though Moradin himself is quicker to forgive than his paramour, the All-Father has taken a keen interest in Orosaban of late, sending his agents to spy on the clergy of the Wyrm of Avarice. As Moradin’s servants generally display a characteristic unsubtle, such investigations have thus far revealed no treachery. Orosaban shuns other nondwarven deities.   Orosaban was killed in The Gods War by Vaprak, who was in fact, an Aspect of Tiamat who sought the divine spark of Orosaban in order to revive Garyx - for she had known that Garyx is the way for her to gain foothold inside dwarven lands. It took her many dozen of years to revive Garyx, a ask she accomplished in 987 AB.

Personality Characteristics


Orosaban's desire for valuables and gems transcends mere greed. He views them with an almost sensual intensity, a longing that drives him to any extreme to acquire them. No vault is too secure, no moral code too sacred to stand in his way. The thrill of the acquisition fuels his warped existence, each stolen treasure a bitter victory against the past that continues to define him.   While Orosaban hatches his schemes in the darkness, his ultimate goal is the subversion of the dwarven way of life. Astonishingly, the dwarven pantheon remains largely oblivious to this threat, and most dwarves continue to worship their deities in blissful ignorance.


Contacts & Relations

The Morndinsamman, the dwarven pantheon of gods, consists of the leader Moradin, as well as Orosaban, Berronar Truesilver, Clanggedin Silverbeard, Dugmaren Brightmantle, Dumathoin, Muamman Duathal, and Vergadain. Of all the dwarven deities, he gets along best with Vergadain, with whom he sometimes travels.   Although he is the only evil power among the Morndinsamman, he is tolerated by the other dwarven gods because he has sided with them whenever a threat appeared from outside. Orosaban may be untrustworthy and the embodiment of all dwarven qualities the other gods would rather avoid, but in the end he's still a Dwarf, and both they and Orosaban believe in sticking together. "Greed is good, but do not seize wealth from the children of the Morndinsamman", "Orosaban teaches, for strife in the name of avarice weakens the clan".
Trove Lord;
Wyrm of Avarice;
The Hoard-Father;
The Veiled Hand;
The Master of Acquisition;
Divine Classification
Lesser Power, Aspect of Garyx
Neutral Evil
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Dwarf, Evil (Corruption), Luck, Scalykind (Dragon), Travel (Trade), Trickery
Clenched, armored fist of golden links, clutching an overflowing chalice of gems
Dwarves, Misers, Rogues, Shadowdancers
  Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
"Heart of Avarice" [Dimaond-bladed dagger] (Dagger)
Holy Days
Night of Glinting Greed


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