Glorasil Telwyng-Odilin

Glorasil Telwyng-Odilin

Glorasil was the 99th High king of Sehan Elves and first king of Owhain who died in the defense of its capital. His Sacrifice was at the utmost importance as he, single-handely defeated a Demon Lord in service to Zyldorrath.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Glorasil was born to a middle family and he had won the kingship in a test, conducted by the elders of Owhain.   Glorasil's reign was wrought with peril and death as his reign was at a bloody war that imposed a great threat upon his people. When the Zyldorrath empire, had emerged with countless demons surrounding his capital city in 6,380 BB. On the 146 day, he rode forth, challenging the Demon Lord, Orcus to single battle, defeating. However, since defeating the Demon lord, only discouraged the drow and not the undead hordes of Orcus, Glorasil, tricked a captured cleric of Kiaransalee who had opened a gate to Orcus' home and there he challanged him again with few of his best men and women who occupied his endless undead hordes, while he pursued the Demon lord in his own homeworld. There, he defeated him, yet again, single handely, emerging with less than 100 of his warriors, collapsing in the streets of Erenil, and unable to be ressurected due to being struck by demon-weapon magic that prevented it.   The Death of the Demon lord was felt among all of the forces of the drow and a blessing was bestowed upon the remaining Sehan Elves who vanquished the Drow forces of Zyldorrath and enabled for counter-attacks all over Aeloriandor. It should be noted that the undead forces of Orcus had become uncontronable and were diminshing in power and attacking all in sight.
High-King of the Sehan Elves, first of the Telwyng-odilin
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
6812 BB 6380 BB 432 years old
Aligned Organization


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