Grisha Zemekis Character in Theras | World Anvil

Grisha Zemekis

(a.k.a. Grisha the saltisian)

Grisha Zemekis, also known by his nick name "Grisha the saltisian" is an Epeoris based rogue operating currently on the eastern side of Epeoris, and residing along with his party at Panta .

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Saltis born

  Grisha was born in Saltis to retired adventurers Wolf Zemekis and his wife Maeve. Maeve gave birth to Ruby ZemekisGrisha's sister, 6 years after he was born. both ruby's unborn twin brother and Maeve didn't survive the difficult child brother.  


Soon after that, the Zemekis family moved to Navara where Wolf opened The Old Ox.Both grisha and his sister spent considerable time waiting tables and cleaning dishes at the tavern, and all in all helping their father in running it.
  Growing up, grisha spent a lot of his time stealing and scheming which got him into a lot of trouble with the law, and his father. This put a strain on his and his father's relationship. On the contrast, growing up he and his sister were close and they spent a lot of time playing singing fighting and dancing together.
Joining the army
Eventually, at age 17 after running too many schemes and after his father's influence on the city's inquistors (as tavern owner who could keep the tabs open) ran short Grisha was arrested. He enlisted to the army after a young inquistor - Lomer found him in a cell. While his sister cried after he enlisted, he managed to mend a little the relationship with his father albeit it is still of volatile nature.
  The first mission grisha worked on was when Lomer enlisted him to help him find proof the mayor is a cannibal. Grisha found the evidence but was caught by the mayor's guards. Immidately Lomer called a bust to the mayor's house. By doing that he saved both Grisha and and the mission.
A few months after that on the second big mission after discovering that some folk on the outskirts of navarra were worshipping new gods Grisha Lomer and a few venerators were sent to beat some sense into the priest there.   A year and a half after that there were rumors of a lycanthrop near Navara. Lomer and Grisha went to investigate. A fight broke out and the suspect a local wealthy man was killed and could not be found guilty.   A year after that Grisha and Lomer's final mission was to find and end a cult that was in navarra. They found traces which led to the sewers. The cultists were extremely violent and Grisha and Lomer were the only soldiers left alive in the incident. The remaining cultists were sent to be executed and the kids were sent to re education.  

Cursed be

  After the last mission the nightmares came. At first grisha thought they were typical nightmares, stemmed from his service but he got the feeling after a while that they were related to something else. After a few months more the nightmares became more disturbing. Tt fels as though someone was yelling at grisha in an unknown language. A plea for help? A lying entity? Grisha isn't sure. But then one night he woke and he saw that the hand left a scribble in the groung. Though it wasn't the first time he felt his hand bloodier and more bruised then he went to sleep but this time he could actually read the words.
." Seek me in the mists. Find me in the fogs. Do not join the chorus. Do not listen to the music".
  The nightmares and the uneasy feeling deep in his gut, caused him to discharge from the army and look for help. Under the local bishop's advice , grisha headed to Diarchy of Peraserasia's  capital Panta  . With the goal of meeting a cleric who specializes in curses. He doesn’t expect him to make all his problems go away but if there's anyone who can identify the problem it is Amlawdd Poyner . While entering the city grisha was told of a man in need of adventurers willing to pay money . He decided to head that way. Knowing also that Lomer his old friend is also in town.
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Dark brown
medium length black hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
70 kg
Aligned Organization

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