Hall of Knowledge Geographic Location in Theras | World Anvil

Hall of Knowledge

The Hall of Knowledge is the divine realm of Ioun and Oghma on the Outlands. The realm has a strong connection to the magic of true names.   Contrary to its name, the House of Knowledge is a wilderness of ancient oaks and clear blue pools. At night, dancing constellations of burning stars fill the sky, and the music of harps echoes though the lonely wood. The plane is dedicated to the preservation and transmission of all kinds of knowledge - not just ancient secrets in dusty scrolls, but the living knowledge of song and story, the blessing of speech, and the understanding that comes from deep familiarity with other living creatures.   The Hall of Knowledge is housed in several buildings scattered throughout the plane. Together, these buildings hold every spell, magic item, song, and fact about the entire universe. While Oghma, Alpaida and Pheistus each favor certain buildings over others.     Pheistus maintains a portal from Wonderhome to the Mithral Forge, Flandal Steelskin's domain in the Golden Hills and there is a portal to the Library of All Knowledge in Ysgard.  
Aside from petitioners, the angels who serve the good deities of the plane are the only native inhabitants.
Alternative Name(s)
House of Knowledge
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