Hooded Pupil

A Hooded Pupil is a person who serves as a sort of apprentice to an intelligent and powerful undead. Hooded Pupils are usually necromancers who wish to deepen their understanding of Undeath by interacting with a primary source; as such, they delve into undeath themselves, experimenting on their own body as much as they experiment on corpses.


Physiological Alterations

Hooded Pupils undergo a series of physiological changes, whether intentionally or as a byproduct of their studies. Their skin becomes callous and hardened - the dermis becomes significantly thinner, with the epidermis becoming much thicker.   Some alterations share similiarity with those affected by Vampirism; hooded pupils can adhere to walls and ceilings, and are known to be able to draw blood as nourishment, though they are still required to sustain themselves as living creatures do. They still need to break a victim's skin, and their teeth are not adapted for hematophagy.


Some hooded pupils use their enhanced physical state and proximity to powerful necromantic magic to experiment on their own body. These pupils may even graft themselves with organs harvested from undead subjects, such as a mohrg's tongue or a mummy's wrapping. Such procedures are extremely dangerous, and may lead to severe mental and physical disabilites.

Metaphysical Alterations

A pupil's soul is damned to undeath, as no deity willingly accepts their soul upon death; however, should their undead form be destroyed, gods of undeath will welcome them as powerful agents within their realm. For this reason, a hooded pupil's ultimate goal will be Lichdom.
Famous in the Field


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