Houses and Humanoids Tradition / Ritual in Theras | World Anvil

Houses and Humanoids

Houses and Humanoids is a popular games with Dragon, often playing it several hours every ten days.   The game is taught by the dragon parents in order to fit in the world of humanoids and is often played with real life - espacially in Abaisgar and sometimes in Kingdom of Arasil, however the former is much more enjoyable to dragons, since they often manipulate the lives of humanoids, making them better or worse - depends on the role of the Dragon playing.   These game is sophistaced and harder to play than tabletop as many sages once believed and is often intricate with full of intrigues and it often involves gambling and sometimes involves direct interventions of the dragons to affect the outcome of the 'game'.   Suprisingly enough, the game is played by both Benign and malevolent dragons.
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