Kingdom of Arasil Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Kingdom of Arasil

The House of Arasil was once a proud house, which served the Nahrso Empire of old. The Narsilian civil war broke down the yoke of the empire of Nahrso from their neck and together with their sworn enemies, the House of Siril, they broke free and waged war from Nidoran to the Draconian channel,m only to disaband most of their outpost during the years because of the Menedynnians.   This kingdom is one of the most populated one in the Continent of Rakion. This nation is a kingdom based on a chivarlic code, known as the Oath of Edrahil.   Even though the kingdom is highly proficient in the use of arcane magic and divine magic via its priests, the Kingdom is based on three orders and such is its sigil, divided by three orders, which compromise its militant body, judicial and economical offices.   This kingdom has many plains suited for agriculture and the kingdom itself is divided by duchies that most have their own regular army as the Narsilian could have almost the lifespan of a dwarf.  
Different Cultures Influences
The Arasilians were heavily influenced by Heiligstes König Reich Celtira due the proximity and the customs they had and the draconic ways that heavily enrich their lives, making an interesting view of life.


The Kingdom today is ruled by the Viceroy, while unknown to most of the kingdom itself and only to few of the most secretive people, by the The Ironscale Conclave, who is the leading The Silver Chalice.     The Nobility
Through several degrees by the High Justice King and later the Viceroy, all people can become nobility, if they join The Silver Chalice, however sometimes nobility are not knights.  
The Hierarchy
  1. Baronet or a pledged Officer of the Kingdom - Has a right to a small land and gathering taxes and paying them.
  2. Baron/Baroness - A person who has a right to rule a small village but no more - He has obligations to meet per the standards of the Kingdom in providing professional troops and their training level,
  3. Viscount/Viscountess - A Person who is usually from a small House - such a person usually has right to rule a large town of approximately 8,000-12,000 inhabitants.
  4. Count/Countess - A person who is from an Elevated House, which is usually ruling a city with own laws, subject to the laws of Oath of Edrahil, but not always forced upon if.
  5. Prince/Princess - Honrary title for the officers, of the army, usually in charge of a defense of a citadel or are in charge of intelligence operation abroad. They are in the same status and they can also be from Elevated Houses or not. They are rumored to be in contact in dragons by many intelligence agencies, but none could confirm it. They are in charge of conscripting and making sure their army is kept to standards as The Guilds of Arasil have come to arrangement with them. Only a Knight can become a Prince/Princess, though the Viceroy, can declare otherwise.
  6. Duke/Duchess - Those are the real rules and those who are in charge of whole areas, engulfing many Counts and princess under their charge. They do impose their rulings on all if they choose and are in charge of the whole finance system, judicial system in their domain. Only a Knight can become Duke, even if his father/mother were, no guarantee that this would pass to its son.
  7. Viceroy - Second only to the High Justice King.
  8. High Justice King - The Ultimate ruler of Arasil.


Pledged Officer of the Kingdom
A member of The Silver Chalice, except Silver Robes of the Circlet that have not taken vows.
House is the intermediate form of nobility for those who are not willing to be members of The Silver Chalice.
Elevated House
Elevated House is the highest form of nobility for those who are not members of The Silver Chalice, they have a seat and the ear of the Viceroy or the King, however, in matters of the financing and laws, constitution of the whole realm, they do not have any rights to vote on such subject or influence it.

Mine honor is my life; both grow in one: Take honor from me, and my life is done. By Blood and Honor we Serve.

Articles under Kingdom of Arasil


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