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A world building project by RTTUO & Hordos
Our great and shining empires brought low...
Thousands of years of strife brought low our great and shining empires. We stopped producing elegant pieces of art, marvellous feats of engineering, and delicately crafted workings of magic. Instead, we turned our creations to war, ravaging everything in the process. Cast down from the peak of civilization, we scrabbled for mere whiffs of ancient magics and engaged in petty land squabbles, desperately trying to reclaim a shadow our former glory.

Etarr erupts, Ervenius ascends...
When Ervenius ascended and became the most powerful god in existence, he fought a mighty battle with the foul god Etarr, the one responsible for these troubles. He was exiled from the world of Theras; the grind of destruction was stopped, and our nations began to rebuild. Still, Etarr's influence could still be felt, and the world continued to suffer for thousands more years.

A band of brave heroes...
At last, a small but brave group of warriors rumored to be led by Ervenius himself confronted Etarr in a realm of unknowing madness, and by all accounts he was finally eradicated completely and utterly. For the next 1500 years, the world experienced a revival like none before it; good people roamed the land, righting wrongs and bringing healing wherever they went.

Ervenius' final act of benevolence...
Now, Ervenius has granted us one last gift, sacrificing most of his divinity in the process: the Divine Gate, preventing other gods from entering Theras and only allowing their champions through.
The Age of Blood and Ruin has passed.
The Age of Revival was completed.
The Age of Freedom raised us up again.

Now comes the Ervenian Age.
A new era of true beginnings.
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