Ugran Character in Theras | World Anvil


Sir, General, High-Knight, Bringer of Wisdom

Ugran was a high ranking High-Orc and member of Order of the Platinum Lion and a general of multiple armies in the Arasilian Vassal, Rhovanion.   Ugran was the high leader and became eventually the founder of House Ugran in 901 AB.   However, Ugran, had died only to be resurrected by a priest of Avandra, thus changing his worship to her as gratitude, amidst different to the knights of Arasil and Rhovasil, there the doubt started to seep into his heart, and by the year 919 AB (24 years after his coming to octoland) he had swore allegiance to Septoland and became the eighth kingdom of the newly kingdom of Octoland.
863 AB 922 AB 59 years old
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