Kingdom of Netheria Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Kingdom of Netheria

The Kingdom of Netheria was first established in South Nahrso-Lands at the culmination of The Duskfall Rebellion.   During their years and the end of the War of the Seldarine, they became the central power base for the Dark Elves malevolent forces. With their corruption deepening, they launched a devastating assault on neighboring kingdoms, including the Sehan Elves, High Elves, and Wood Elves. The relentless dark elf armies, bolstered by their wicked sorcery and relentless determination, swiftly overwhelmed Netheria's opponents.   It should be noted that it was a disguise for more sinister forces behind the curtains that fuled the ambition of Netheria, by giving them darker powers and access to the powers of Demons.   The Kingdom came to an end in the last year of The Shadowfall War because of Transformation of the Dark Elves.


The Kingdom of Netheria, in its conflict against Astrylond, Aelindor, and Verdantwood, employed various strategies and tactics.   As for their greatest resources, the Kingdom of Netheria possessed several key assets:
  • Arcane Knowledge and Artifacts: The kingdom had a rich tradition of arcane knowledge, ancient texts, and magical artifacts. They had renowned academies, libraries, and scholars dedicated to the study of magic. This wealth of arcane resources provided them with potent spells, enchantments, and magical items that bolstered their magical prowess and strategic capabilities.
  • Resilient and Well-Trained Military: The kingdom had a disciplined and highly trained military force. They prioritized military training, honing the skills of their soldiers, and developing specialized units for various combat scenarios. This well-disciplined and resilient military formed the backbone of their defense and offensives.
  • Natural Defenses: The Kingdom of Netheria had benefited from natural defenses such as mountain ranges, rivers, or dense forests.
  • Economic Prosperity: The kingdom's strong economy and trade networks allowed them to sustain their military efforts. They had access to abundant resources, fertile lands, and prosperous trade.
  • Demonic magic and forces: During the second half of the wars, the demonic forces came to the open battlefields, as the Elven Coalition had begun to have several victories during many ambushes.

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