Aelindor Organization in Theras | World Anvil


The High Elf kingdom of Aelindor, which was located in Thalasindor, was a majestic and ancient realm known for its grand cities, towering spires, and lush forests. Aelindor was renowned for its deep connection with nature and its mastery of arcane magic. The High Elves of Aelindor were known for their wisdom, sophistication, and profound understanding of the mystical arts.   The Kingdom came to an abrupt end during The Shadowfall War in a large demonic assault of Kingdom of Netheria in 9,732 BB. Their people fledt to Astrylond and later inherited their lands after the Sehan elves forfeited claim to it, because of a prophecy.


During many conflicts, the High Elves had many assets, among them:
  • Stategic Alliance with Avariel: The Avariel had aided the kingdom many times, espacially during The Shadowfall War.
  • Hit-and-Run Tactics: Aelindor favored hit-and-run tactics, utilizing their mobility and agility to strike at vulnerable enemy positions and swiftly retreat. They would launch surprise attacks from the air, using their superior speed and maneuverability to harass Netheria's forces, disrupt their formations, and weaken their morale. This strategy aimed to keep the enemy off balance and prevent them from mounting effective counterattacks.
  • Aerial Forces: Aelindor's ability to field formidable aerial units, including flying cavalry, aerial spellcasters, and flying mounts, provided them with a significant advantage.

17,398 BB - 9,732 BB

Successor Organization


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