Koshaneye Archives
Deeper then any cave under the Kingdom of Agy, holds the Koshaneye Archive, also called The Obsidian Dispute.
██████████████████████████████████████████████████, and some of said knowledge is said to be engraved on thick slabs of obsidian, has if any of the content of the obsidian slabs were to be written on paper, the paper itself will burn from the sheer sacredity and profanity it holds. Years after the establishment of the two kingdoms, the exact location of this archive is said to be lost.
Historical Background
Long before the establishment of the two kingdoms of Torkia and Nakilnul six dwarves and duergars had been sent by their respective clans to make a shelter to protect certain ██████████████████████.██████████████████████████████████████████████████, and some of said knowledge is said to be engraved on thick slabs of obsidian, has if any of the content of the obsidian slabs were to be written on paper, the paper itself will burn from the sheer sacredity and profanity it holds. Years after the establishment of the two kingdoms, the exact location of this archive is said to be lost.