Kingdom of Agy Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Kingdom of Agy

The Kingdom of Agy, also known as Agybarim, is a kingdom in western Epeoris and home to the Agyer people. The kingdom rules over the entirety of Saymaclari, excluding the subterranean areas controlled by the Deep Kingdom of Torkia.

Demography and Population


Most Agyer follow the Hantzuistic Pantheon.   The kingdom has a considerable minority of members of the Andorian Church, with approximately tenth of the population adhering to the church's dogma. This leads to a fickle state of diplomatic relations between Agybarim and the theocratic Kadian Dominion, as the latter wishes to look after worshippers of The Four while the former tries to prevent foreign influence on its internal affairs.


Agybarim lacks a coherent military force, instead relying on the Immediate Militias, local groups which are trained in guerilla warfare and use their familiarity with the local topology to their advantage. The militias undergo strict training regimes and are constantly drilled, as the kingdom is wary of the expansionistic tendencies of the SFLK and the Yokunhein.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
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