Leafstalker Rangers Military Formation in Theras | World Anvil

Leafstalker Rangers

The lives of Leafstalker Rangers, sometimes referred to as the Berio I Ngeladigh border guards are marked by perpetual conflict with the enemies of The Sylvan Kingdom of Eryndor, and those who join their ranks are esteemed as some of the most skilled. Armed with a robust spear and shield, alongside an Elven bow, these Silvan Elves assemble into seasoned warrior companies. They adeptly utilize the extensive range of their bows and maintain a solid battle formation with their shields and spears. This unique and unexpected blend of fighting techniques renders the Protectors an enigmatic and formidable adversary. They demonstrate remarkable effectiveness against charging cavalry, all while retaining the capabilities of skilled archers.   The Rangers are used as a versatile soldiers against charging cavalry in the borders.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy


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