The Sylvan Kingdom of Eryndor Organization in Theras | World Anvil

The Sylvan Kingdom of Eryndor

The Sylvan Kingdom of Eryndor, also known as the Woodrealm means in Or Quesir: Forest of the High Eagles.


The Green Kingdom
Once, well before the rise of the Menedynn Empire, there was a kingdom, established in 9300 BB, governed by a mortal name, who became a legend and helped guard the lands of the Fey, who claim the prime material plane to be once part of the Feywild, or atleast, applicable to the same laws and rules of the Feywild. The Kingdom was guarded ferociously against any humanoid, until the Menedynn Empire had manipulated the green dragons and the dragonempire to destroy it with powerful magic. This process had happened over 400 years, until the Sabium's Cities flew over the skies and rained death on the wild creatures that stood in their bastions, foolishly hoping to face the Empire, where the elves couldn't. Ill prepared for wars, The Green Knight itself went and destroyed one of the flying cities, until he was captured in a powerful magic and sent to an unknown place and thus, ended the Green Kingdom's existence.

  The Confederacy of Barks
The Kingdom, long passed, was once a confederation of many states, called the Confederacy of Barks, that included both benign and malevolent factions. The Confederation was founded after the defeat at Thunder Forest of the Menedynn Empire in 6,945 BB. The Confderacy had many attempts to become a fedaracy, but due to the chaotic nature of the inhabitants, the leaders couldn't make that dream a reality. The days of the confederacy are sometimes looked upon favorably, as the fey creatures were mostly driven off during the invasion of the Menedynn Empire. The Fey creatures were mostly out of options, as the weave itself was out of control. Those were the days that the Wood Elves made many alliances with the creatures.

  The Sylvan Kingdom of Eryndor
The Sylvan Kingdom of Eryndor was established in 2,500 BB by the Or-Quessiri with the enermous help of Silvendal, fighting thge hordes of orcs inhabiting the lands.

The Green Kingdom Era
9450 BB to 6,945 BB
The Confederacy of Barks Era
6,922 BB to 5,643 BB
The Sylvan Kingdom of Eryndor Era
2,500 BB
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