Magin of Otterbel Character in Theras | World Anvil

Magin of Otterbel

Before Etarr disappeared from Theras once again, it sent visions to the High Priestess Magin of Otterbel, guiding her to the temple in Damoutarvilly. Mere months after the Abomination's demise, Magin led her group–the Church of Etarr, to the ruined temple. She plotted to open a dimensional door to the Abyss to bring Etarr's true form to Theras. At the end of the day, Magin only succeeded in opening a small gate allowing several pseudopods of the deity to pour into the Prime Material. These Bits of Etarr, as well as the High Priestess possessed by the rotting god, were defeated by Uriel, Ramnos, and a band of adventurers branded with azure bonds.

Personality Characteristics


Even though Magin, was very young and hadn't reached maturity, she was terribly cunning, impulsive, careless and very dangerous and full of power.
Date of Birth
29th Fonacius
Year of Birth
897 AB 154 Years old


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