Ramnos Character in Theras | World Anvil


(a.k.a. Champion)

Ramnos ws a dragonborn companion and the soul-brother of the adventurer Uriel.   Ramnos was one of the teachers of Kiras and a fellow dragonborn that achieved immortality as a champion in Celestia.

Physical Description

Special abilities

As a paladin of the god of justice, Bahamut, he had additional skills to see into the minds, thoughts, feelings, golas of the soul. The soul is presented to the paladin in complex swirls of forms and colors, such as gray - the color of neutrally aligned creatures, purples and reds indicated the evil, the black void was indicating the evil undead creatures, blue for the powers of good, yellow indicated greed, and the clarity of the colors indicated the purity of the soul. Generally, Ramnos could see using his shen within a 60 feet (18 meters) radius.   Ramnos was a skilled combatant, his weapon proficiencies included bastard swords, longswords, light crossbows, and battleaxes. He also possessed exceptional direction sense and endurance.

Personality Characteristics


Ramnos was adaptable and quite intuitive. Like many other paladins, he was good, caring, kind, and righteous, a being of a pure soul. That was the reason why he was chosen as a sacrifice to bring Uriel. Ramnos always used his abilities to defend his friends, family, people, and a good cause.   Ramnos preferred close combat because the felt that ranged weapons were dishonorable.
Aligned Organization


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