Mire of Otterbel Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Mire of Otterbel

The Mire of Otterbel is a dark and mysterious Caliphate located in a treacherous swamp known as Otterbel. The citizens of this kingdom are devoted to the worship of Demons and Mezzofiends, aligning themselves with dark forces for power and favor.


The kingdom's social structure is built upon a foundation of slavery, with the ruling elite using enslaved individuals to carry out their bidding and maintain their power.

Foreign Relations

In terms of their interactions with the The Ranas of Bayjan, there is a complex relationship between the two. The Rakshasas, being powerful and cunning beings themselves, see both in them potential allies and rivals.
Founding Date
921 AB
Controlled Territories
Related Species
Related Ethnicities


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