Demon Species in Theras | World Anvil


Demons are vicious Fiends native to the chaotic lower planes. Driven by pure malice, they revel in destruction and slaughter, attacking anything and anyone for their own amusement, even other demons.   Demons aren't all products of the Abyss' spontaneous chaos. Some powerful entities, like demon lords, night hags, or even powerful spellcasters, can create their own demonic minions. These "Created" demons are crafted from other demons, the raw essence of the Abyss, or a combination of both. Interestingly, various scholars included quasits (known to arise spontaneously) in this category, theorizing they might eventually be accepted by the Abyss and arise naturally. Created demons can take various forms, including undead, constructs, and even truly living outsiders.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Scholars use the term "proto-demon" to describe creatures on the cusp of becoming full-fledged demons. These beings dwell in the Abyss, Pandemonium or Carceri and often serve demon lords. However, there are other ways to become demons:  
All demons start as larvae – the damned souls of evil mortals trapped in the Outer Rifts. Through immense power and influence, any demon can theoretically ascend to become a unique member of its species. However, this path isn't guaranteed.  
Nascent Demon Lords
These powerful demons haven't yet achieved full demon lordship or demigod status. They're still "unformed" and must serve established demon lords until they're ready to claim their own power. Hundreds, possibly thousands, of nascent demon lords exist in the Outer Rifts, but only a tiny fraction survive the trials and tribulations to become full demon lords.


Demons aren't mindless beasts. Most possess decent intelligence, and skilled manipulators can be quite effective. They understand the value of victory, even if it means sacrificing some bloodshed, and they possess a degree of social cunning, sometimes even working with others (demon or not) when it suits them. While not exactly known for retreating, demons do understand the value of a strategic withdrawal, especially when it can be more fun or profitable than a drawn-out battle. Perhaps their most dangerous trait is their inherent unpredictability.  


While demons love killing, they find it boring on its own. Their true delight lies in the creative destruction of everything around them, maximizing the suffering they cause. From devouring entire civilizations to undoing divine creations, demons are the ultimate agents of ruin.   Demons may be driven by destruction, but they can be persuaded to serve those who offer them power. However, their loyalty is fleeting, and they are notoriously brutal and oppressive masters. Driven by self-centeredness and a love of chaos, they crave power over loyalty and view each other with suspicion. Despite their capricious nature, demons are known to reward their most favored servants handsomely.   Demonic behavior might seem random at times, but it's more about instinct than philosophy. They're driven by a natural urge for chaos and mischief, with some lacking any plan whatsoever. All demons share a brutish streak, reveling in displays of power and disliking subtlety. Their chaotic nature makes them poor long-term planners, often sacrificing pawns for bizarre schemes or impulsively abandoning well-laid plans for immediate gratification.  

Ego and Self-Importance

All demons believe themselves to be the rightful ruler of all existence, destined to reshape reality in their own chaotic image. This egocentrism goes beyond mere pride. Each demon, depending on its power, fantasizes about a world centered around them, either a playground of destruction or a vast, domineering empire.   The raw chaos of the Abyss warps the minds of demons. They hear its whispers in their dreams, promises of power and dominion fueling their destructive urges. The Abyss itself tempts demons with its insatiable hunger for destruction, urging them to claim ultimate power by dominating the realm itself. The endless violence and rebellions within the Abyss are a demonic response to this twisted muse.   Even powerful demon leaders can be vulnerable to ego. Public humiliation or a power struggle can easily turn them into raging beasts, abandoning strategy for rage or retreat. Despite their bravado, some demons have insecurities, using their fury to mask underlying fears.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Demon Lords
The most powerful demons are unique beings with their own individual strengths and abilities. Known throughout the multiverse, these demon lords inspire cults on the Material Plane who revere their destructive power. The exact number of demon lords is unknown. Demon lords are incredibly powerful and unique demons. By definition, they rule at least one realm within the Abyss, commanding hordes of lesser demons and nascent demon lords . However, chaos reigns supreme, and not all demons serve a lord.   Just below demon lords are the nascent demon lords – powerful demons yet to claim their own personal realm within the Outer Rifts. Like their established counterparts, they can grant spells to those who worship them.   Demon lords, being creatures of chaos, are practically always at war with each other. Alliances are temporary and truces uneasy. Often, these conflicts arise from shared interests (rivalry for mortal worship) or proximity within the Outer Rifts. The Demon lords can grant spells and empower their depraved mortal worshipers. For this reason, they are considered demigods. As such, they can claim dominion over four specific areas of influence.   There aren't many Demons lords who are also deities and a rare exception is Lolth, and as such is considered by many to be the ultimate powerful demon power.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Despite residing in the lower-planes, demons can be summoned to the Material Plane by powerful evil magic users. However, there are only a few known locations on Theras where demons are a frequent and growing, such as the Mire of Otterbel.   The Abyss is more than just a home to demons; it's their life source. The Abyss grants them life and the power to be reborn, making it a twisted god and destroyer all in one. This chaotic world fuels their destructive urges, and demons often seek to recreate its essence wherever they go.

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Demons are creatures of raw power and rage, barely contained by their monstrous forms. They lack compassion, empathy, or fear – every thought is consumed by hate and malice. These wicked beings despise all that is good and revel in sowing strife and disorder. Their ultimate goal is escape from the Abyss, which they view as a prison, and unleash their destructive fury upon the cosmos.


Mezzofiends are unknowingly responsible for the birth of demons.  
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations


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