Moonshadow Syndicate Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Moonshadow Syndicate

The Moonshadow Syndicate is an elven intelligence organization that operates in the Owhain. With a focus on covert operations and subterfuge, they excel in espionage, sabotage, and counterintelligence. Skilled in infiltration and manipulation, the Moonshadow Syndicate serves to protect Owhain's interests, root out internal corruption, and maintain the kingdom's security.   The Organization was founded during the The War of Veiled Shadows to help the elven people around the world, planes and the continents and espacially Owhain itself.


The Moonshadow Syndicate operates as a tightly knit organization with a hierarchical structure. It is divided into specialized departments such as infiltration, counterintelligence, and assassination. Each department is led by a Director, who reports to the Master Whisperer, the head of the organization.


The Moonshadow Syndicate excels in subterfuge, covert operations, and manipulation. Their operatives employ a combination of disguise, stealth, and illusion magic to infiltrate enemy strongholds, gather sensitive information, and sow discord among their enemies.
Founding Date
622 BB


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