The War of Veiled Shadows Military Conflict in Theras | World Anvil

The War of Veiled Shadows

The War of Veiled Shadows was characterized by the secretive and covert nature of the conflict involving the Shadowweavers and Amon-Thal.   The War of Veiled Shadows was characterized by the secretive and covert nature of the conflict. The Shadowweavers, a skilled order of elven assassins, utilized a range of strategies to undermine the corrupt ruling council and achieve their objective of restoring balance and justice to the Elven Kingdom.

The Conflict


The Principality survived the works of the Shadowweavers.


After the war, various Intelligence organizations were born such as the Moonshadow Syndicate, Starlight Eyes, Sylvan Veil. However, many groups of adventurers that formed the Howlers.
Included under Conflict
Start Date
700 BB
Ending Date
600 BB
Conflict Result
Emergence of Various Intelligence organizations

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