Nachtadel Organization in Theras | World Anvil


Nachtadel or "Night Nobility" as some refer to, is the ultimate ruling council of all The Nars Duchies.


Decision-Making Process
The Nachtadel council operates through a strict hierarchical decision-making process, with the eldest and most powerful members having the final say. Lower-ranking members must obey the orders of their superiors, and failure to do so can result in severe consequences, including torture or death.  
Council Membership
The Nachtadel council consists of thirteen members, each representing a different vampire clan or bloodline. The council is careful to maintain a balance of power among its members, with each clan having an equal number of representatives.  
Despite the council's efforts to maintain balance and harmony, there have been occasional disagreements among members. Though they are known for their political prowess, they resolve those disputes through violent displays of power, with the strongest or most ruthless members asserting their dominance over their weaker counterparts.  
Replacement of Members
When a member of the council dies, the remaining members of the clan engage in a deadly power struggle to determine who will take their place. This process can involve brutal battles to the death, with the victor claiming the vacant seat on the council.  
The Nachtadel council is led by a single, dominant vampire known as the "Night Lord". This individual is chosen by the council members through a brutal competition in which only the strongest and most ruthless vampire can emerge victorious. The Night Lord wields absolute power over the council and is feared and respected by all who serve under them.
Founding Date
97 AB
Leader Title
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