The Nars Duchies Organization in Theras | World Anvil

The Nars Duchies

The Nars Duchies are the remnants of the Nahrso Empire of old.   Though this is a global term for duchies that impersonate part of some realm in the world and they integrate themselves as part of the kingdoms they are residents of. However, all the Nars Duchies are all ruled by a single council of Vampires and Dhampirs, all originating from the ancient practice of the Nahrso Empire Empire, in their quest to achieve immortality, in the darkest meaning.   They operate in the shadows and hone their skills of manipulation, infiltration, and subterfuge to maintain their hidden presence. They carefully navigate the intricate web of politics, commerce, and power within these cities, using their vampiric abilities, charm, and ancient knowledge to advance their agendas.   The Nars Duchies are all known by different names, however they are operating as a single organizm when they set their mind on some goal, important enough for the Nachtadel.


The Nars Duchies, have established their presence in various large cities, covertly operating and furthering their own agendas within these urban centers. They have managed to establish their own clandestine provinces within these cities, carving out territories and exerting their influence in subtle and strategic ways.   Each Nars Duchy operates independently, with its own hierarchy and leadership structure. They are adept at concealing their true identities and blending seamlessly into society, making it difficult for outsiders to detect their presence. They strategically position themselves in positions of influence, often manipulating key individuals and establishments to further their goals.


Most of them are worshipping some god of deceit and undeath, however, they mask their beliefs fully integrating themselves in the local faith with perfect devotion.

Foreign Relations

The Nars Duchies thrive on secrecy and control, carefully selecting their allies and using them as pawns to achieve their objectives. They have an intricate network of informants, spies, and loyal subjects, enabling them to gather information, manipulate events, and undermine any opposition they encounter.
Predecessor Organization
Ruling Organization
Executive Body
While they may appear as disparate factions, the Nars Duchies maintain a delicate balance of power among themselves. Disputes and conflicts within their ranks are typically resolved through subtle maneuvering, coercion, or even covert confrontations, ensuring that the overall unity and secrecy of their vampiric empire remains intact.
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