Order of the Ebony Raven Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Order of the Ebony Raven

The Order of the Ebony Raven is a monastic and death knight order of the raven queen in Albiril.
  The members of the order see the Raven Queen as a symbol of death and fate, and they believe that by embracing her teachings, they can better understand the transient nature of life and uphold justice in the world. The many temples dedicated to the Raven Queen in Albiril serves as a central hub for their knightly order, where they conduct rituals, offer prayers, and seek guidance.   Within the Archduchy of Albiril, the religious order of death knights has indeed become intertwined with politics, wielding significant influence and prestige. Their close ties to the Raven Queen, the goddess of Death and Fate, grant them a unique position of authority and respect within the realm.   This influential order of death knights has been instrumental in shaping the political landscape of Albiril. Their unwavering dedication to upholding the natural order and preserving the balance between life and death has earned them the trust and admiration of the nobles and ruling class.   The death knights' involvement in politics stems from their role as protectors of the realm and enforcers of justice. Their deep understanding of the delicate nature of life and death grants them valuable insights into matters of governance and the consequences of decisions made by the ruling elite.   With their prestigious status, the death knights have the means to influence the nobles and sway political decisions in alignment with the ideals of the Raven Queen. Their counsel is sought after, as they bring a unique perspective to matters of law, order, and the preservation of the realm.


The oath of the order
I pledge my life and soul to the Raven Queen, Lady of Shadows and Keeper of the Veil. With this oath, I become a guardian of the balance between life and death, a servant of fate's design. I swear to honor the cycle of existence and to ensure the passage of souls to their rightful destination.   I shall wield my blade with skill and courage, defending the innocent and striking down those who disrupt the natural order. I embrace the darkness and shadows, using them as allies in my righteous cause. I shall seek knowledge and wisdom, delving into the mysteries of life, death, and the realms beyond.   I shall be a beacon of hope in times of despair, offering solace to those touched by grief. I will not fear death, for it is but a step on the path we all must tread. I shall hold the Raven Queen's teachings close to my heart and guide others toward the acceptance of their ultimate fate.   In life and in death, I am bound to the Raven Queen. I willingly offer my service and dedicate myself to the preservation of the cosmic balance. This is my solemn vow, unbreakable and everlasting."   This oath reflects the knightly order's commitment to upholding the principles of the Raven Queen, protecting the natural order, and guiding others toward understanding and acceptance of the cycle of life and death.
Founding Date
970 AB
Ruling Organization
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