Ursevnin Ethnicity in Theras | World Anvil


The North Remembers
— A common Northern saying and some say a motto of every Northern
  The Ursevnin, who are also known as Northern people are a people of a harsh reality, living in the cold north, seeking freedom above all else and clinging to tradition like no other man would. The Northern people, though divided between the Western Northern culture of Keatis, Donquis, Permaglas and on the eastern side of the continent of Rakion, Lindar. Though both are miles away, they both share the same pantheon and more importantly, the same families.   Before The Bafigron Empire emerged, there was a peace, a truce between the men that were free from old Menedynn uppression and rule. The truce was mainted through the marriage of a Tiefling and an Aasimar from each of the splinters of the Northern Ethnicity. This marriage was so holy to the people that the common faith and actually every scroll before that has mentioned it, spoke of reincarnation in the form of an Aasimar, sometimes male or female and a tielfing that was always the opposite sex. By tradition, it is said that the couple always rule together and mainten all their personalities and memories past, only when they are married.   This union symbolized the freedom and the best that the north could have. The Northern people fought the Menedynn culture on every turn, however by 163 AB, the Bafigron empire, had expanded and divided the northern people and always sought and destroyed the union of the aasimars and the tieflings together, as the Menedynn and more often, the Neomen people described this union as unholy and affront to nature.   Up to this day, the northern people, it is most common to hear the saying "The North remembers" in marriages, birthdays and every important holiday, implying that they remember the holy reincarnation and union of those two individuals that will one day unite them and have Bafigorn and the Menedynn culture banished from their northern lands.   It is said that the origin of the Northern Ethnicity came to be when the Old Menedynn Empire fell and the humans fell into tribes again. By the year 2911 BB, Lindmor, the great Arch-Druid (or more accurately, the leader of the Arch-Druids) of Lindar, united the whole north and fought the Menedynn culture and tribes that rose again from the lands of Abaisgar.


Beauty Ideals

The Northern people are mostly blondes with few of them being brown haired, rarely red heads and most seldom, black haired.  
Typical Noble Woman

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