Pact Primeval Physical / Metaphysical Law in Theras | World Anvil

Pact Primeval

The gods exist in multiplicity, but Asmodeus is unique.
— Unknown philosopher on the ideology of evil
  The Pact Primeval is a set of rules that governs the flow of souls to their afterlives and establishes a basis for the division between the heavens and hells. It was signed during creation by Asmodeus and the forces of good - mostly celestial beings and later on the benign gods - though many claims those were the creator deities.   The Pact Primeval is the heart and eptimome of the life force and every soul in the world. Contradictary to the Genesis Concord which is also a primeval law of the world, the Pact Primeval has its effect on the multiverse, and possibly originated there. The Pact Primeval governs the path of the souls of the world. One can gain a better understanding of demons and their behavior by listening to their self-narrated stories. These tales have become popular myths across all the worlds of the Material Plane and are familiar to all kinds of mortals. However, like many legends, there are inconsistencies.   The legend of the Pact Primeval has been adapted by various cultures, with different deities mentioned depending on the telling. Nonetheless, the names of the devils remain consistent.   As with any myth deserving of its title, the subsequent story holds some truth, regardless of its actual occurrence.   Countrary to the common beliefs, there are two Pact Primeval, one is known to many, the one that regulates the passage of the soul and the one that regulates the fundamental law of ascension of gods .  

Powers of the Pact

The Documents spews forth goodness and demotes devils who stay near it for more than 6 hours. Once every nine years, a person can aproach the pact and play respect to the principals of law to gain the power to smite chaos. This power lets them do extra damage to chaotic creatures and they gain skill in legal proceedings. These powers last for 99 days, and can be renewed for 30 days with an act of obeisance.  


Countrary to the common beliefs, there are two Pact Primeval, one is known to many, the one that Everyone tell of the Devil and the Genesis Concord - The Pact Primeval that regulates the flow of souls in the afterlife: The destination is determined by a few list of criteria and considered in descending order:
  • Devoted to a specific Deity --> Afterlife in the realms of that deity
  • Lawful Evil / Traded their soul to a devil --> Gets sent to The Nine Hells to be punished
  • Chaotic Evil --> Gets sucked into The Abyss
  • Lawful Good --> Gets sent to Mount Celestia
  • Neutral Good --> Gets sent to Elysium
  • No specific destination --> Get sent to The Hades or some say Shadowfell
  • Faithless --> Absorbed by the Wall of the Faithless
Copies of the Pact
There exist three copies of the Pact Primeval One is kept in The Nine Hells, hidden and secured on Asmodeus's realm of Nessus. The pact is encased in a ruby that is 10 feet high and 6 feet wide. It weighs 20 tons. There is also one copy in Mechanus and one in Mount Celestia. These pacts are impervious to destruction and if removed from the lawful planes, chaos would be strengthened.  
Signed Date
Most people agree this Pact is as old as time and in the creation in the Great Rift Era, however, many speculates that after millenias of wars, it was signed during the Reign of the Dragons Era.   All agree that this pact was signed between Asmodeus and the theories conflict on whether the second party was the celestials or the gods of good, the Pact Primeval is Binding to all beings and has the power to shape reality itself.


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