Mechanus Geographic Location in Theras | World Anvil


Mechanus is a place of rules. Law and process. Organization above all. The denizens of this place disagree on how order is to be maintained, but in the end we all serve its structure. Without structure, we are nothing.
— A parai, a creature native to Nirvana.
  The Outer Plane, which represents the alignment of lawful neutral and home of the modrons.   This plane is filled with an infinite number of country-sized circular interlocking gears which are habitable on one or both sides. These great flat wheels are at least 1,000 miles (1,600 kilometers) in diameter and have teeth that meshed at right angles, all turning slowly in synchronicity. Each disk has its own gravity that operated in a sphere circumscribing it exactly and pulling normal to the top and bottom surfaces. The void between the gears is filled with air, allowing easy flight. Outside a gravity sphere, objects would feel only very weak attraction to nearby disks.   A plane of Law and order, Nirvana has equal amounts of light and dark, heat and cold, and equal measures of the four elements. There is a place for everything and everything was in its place. Even individuals living here exist to fit into the greater scheme of things and thus achieve a perfect society. There is no pain, but the only pleasure is in successfully filling a role like a gear in a machine. Passion, fantasy, and illusion do not exist here, except for what might be brought in by visitors, and any who tries to foment individualism or stir passions for a cause soon found they were not well received.   Nirvana is connected to the Prime Material Planes via the Astral Plane, and to the Outer Planes of Arcadia, Acheron, and Concordant Opposition by portals which appeared once every revolution of the gears they belonged to. The period of rotation depended on the size of the gear, but a typical period is twenty days. The portals stay open for exactly one day. There is one portal to Concordant Opposition, located at the center of the featureless bottom side of a large gear, that is continually open.  
You are hereby exiled from the glory that is Mechanus! If you should ever return, even greater punishments shall be leveled against you, including but not limited to severe fines, imprisonment, hard labor, loss of limbs, loss of sight, geas magic, modron cleaning, modron counting, legal file alphabetization...
— — A judge (fortunately) banishing someone from Mechanus.
The only creatures native to Nirvana are the modrons, a race of beings organized in a rigid caste system and ruled by Primus, the One and the Prime. The most common modrons are the monodrones, single-function drones used as common laborers, servants, or soldiers.  
  • Ixtaar, the long-dormant Menedynn sun god, once made his home, the Keep of the Eternal Sun in Mechanus
  • Heimdal of the Unsleeping Eye once have a realm here called Everwatch.
  • Lendys, draconic deity of balance and justice, resides in Nirvana.
  • Primus, the One and the Prime, is a greater deity and ruler of a vast realm in Nirvana called Regulus, centered on his great tower at the hub of a huge gear.
  • Psilofyr, the myconid deity of community and healing, once thrived in a realm called Mycelia here.


After Orcus killed Primus and triggered an unexpected Great Modron March, he left the Energy Pool in Regulus to search for the Wand of Orcus, leaving the way open for a secundus to be promoted into the new Primus. However, prolonged contact with the Pool caused Orcus's evil influence to taint a fraction of the modrons. One tainted secundus disputed the ascension of any one of the other three and rebelled, leaving Mechanus and taking almost a million modrons with him. The dissidents settled a modron colony in Acheron, where they regrouped to later attempt to retake the plane. This schism crippled the modron race and paved the way for a formian invasion of Mechanus.
Alternative Name(s)
Clockwork Nirvana of Mechanus, Nirvana
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