Pentusk Clan Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Pentusk Clan

The Pentusk Clan is the fifth clan in the Khazad-Ram, but their practices are shrouded in secrecy. Known for their expertise in bone carving and trading, they have managed to maintain their status as a powerful clan within the kingdom. However, their true abhorrent practices are hidden from outsiders.   In secret, the Pentusk clan runs a human slave network, where they impregnate human women to produce half-dwarves, who are then bred with dwarves to increase the population of the dwarven race. The Pentusk clan sees this as a necessary evil, as dwarves have a naturally low birthing rate and struggle to maintain their numbers.   The half-dwarves and dwarves born from these unions are sold as orphans to other clans, who are unaware of the Pentusk clan's methods. This has allowed the Pentusk clan to expand their influence within the kingdom, while also ensuring the survival of the dwarven race.   This clan is the 2nd most undeground clan out of the 13 clans of Khazad-Ram.
Founding Date
497 BB
Ruling Organization
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