Pistis Sophia Character in Theras | World Anvil

Pistis Sophia

Pistis Sophia, the Ascetic, is a member of the Celestial Hebdomad and ruler of Solania, the Electrum Heaven of Mount Celestia. Her symbol is the eagle. She is a patron of ascetics, monks, and mystics.     Pistis Sophia spends her time visiting the assortment of cathedrals and monasteries that dotted the heavenly landscape of Solania. She also enjoys walking with petitioners or pilgrims through Solania's foggy valleys.   In the Realms, some lawful good clerics dedicate themselves to Pistis Sophia's cause. While she can not grant spells directly, she would petition their patron deity to grant them access to unique spells and an ability to smite evil foes with greater force.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Pistis Sophia is a beautiful, eight-foot-tall tome archon. She is an androgynous body with subtle feminine traits. From her back grow transparent, silver-feathered wings that caught the light. She has skin that shine like polished crystal the color of indigo, and her eyes are bright and green. Her hair is silver.

Special abilities

Much like a monk, Pistis Sophia has mastered the art of using her hands and feet as weapons. Her hands are considered holy weapons, and if she strike an evil creature, it is ravaged by golden ice. She has exceptional reflexes and skills at evasion, and—also like a monk—she has the wholeness of body to heal any wounds she endured.   Furthermore, Pistis Sophia has all of the powers common to tome archons. In addition to these, unique magical abilities are available to her. She can detect chaos and see any creature as they truly were. By thought alone, she can surround her head with a flaming crown of brilliance so bright as to blind foes, enter the Ethereal Plane, dispel all but the most powerful magical effects, instill hope in subjects within range, remove fatigue, send a short message to an individual anywhere in the multiverse, defend herself with a mystical shield, fill an evil creature with intense feelings of remorse, and grant a subject a vision of the Seven Heavens. With a single, spoken holy word, she can slay or banish wicked beings, and she can whisper messages to recipients at a distance.   Once per day, Pistis Sophia can perform a miracle. Three times per day, she can put one's heart at ease or overcome enemies with waves of exhaustion. She is also immune to magical hindrances against her movement.

Specialized Equipment

In keeping with her philosophy, Pistis Sophia has no possessions, nor does she have a palace from which she rule. She never uses weapons, only relying on her fists and feet if combat are necessary.

Personality Characteristics


Pistis Sophia has a countenance that embodied sincerity and serenity. Even if forced to fight, she never display a temper or even a scowl. To gaze upon her gentle face fill viewers with hope.   She never speaks a lie, believing that truth is required for pure harmony and happiness. A true ascetic, Pistis Sophia has no desires for material possessions; indeed, she encourages others to cast aside their possessions—even their clothing—and live lives of contentment. She believes that possessions signified insecurity and greed.


Contacts & Relations

One of Pistis Sophia's champions is Drusulai, a half-celestial dwarven paladin of Moradin who guards the armories of Erackinor. When Drusulai first met Pistis Sophia, he was filled with awe at her presence. She kissed his waraxe, enchanting it with righteous power.
Divine Classification
Lesser Power
Ruled Locations


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