Solania Geographic Location in Theras | World Anvil


Solania, also known as the Electrum Heaven, is the fourth layer of Mount Celestia. In addition, it is the location of the Erackinor, the collective divine realm of Moradin and Berronar Truesilver of the dwarven pantheon. Jazirian, a major couatl deity, also lived on this plane.    
The ruler of Solania is Pistis Sophia , the Ascetic. Her symbol is the eagle. She is a patron of ascetics, monks, and mystics.  
Notable Locations
  • Erackinor Located on the slopes of Solania, where the dwarven deity Moradin made his domain, with his wife Berronar Truesilver. It is the location of the giant Soul Forges, which Moradin is said to use to temper the spirits of his people.
  • Uroboros Also known as the Gates of Wisdom, the airborne realm of Jazirian of the couatl, float above the mountainside of Solania.
  • First Monastery of the Planes-Militant Located on a high plateau above the clouds, this monastery is rumored to be the source of power for all paladins.


The layer has a sky that glowed like burnished silver. Its valleys are enveloped in mist, fog, and strange scents. The peaks are home to numerous holy shrines, including monasteries and magnificent cathedrals controlled by demigods. Many of the slopes are rich in precious ores and minerals and are mined by populations of dwarves that resides there.
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