Profanities Physical / Metaphysical Law in Theras | World Anvil


Profanities are a set of concepts related to a Demon Lord and their associated Demons that may be invoked in order to summon them, banish them, gain their favor, or invoke their ire.


Profane Number
Usually a prime number.
Profane Sign
Commonly mistaken for sigils.
Profane Quatrain
A hymn that most commonly follows an ABCB rhyming scheme and is constantly repeated in a frantic self-sustaining crescendo.
Ba'al Or's quatrain:
By three and two and three again;
The light will burn once more;
To gods of sun and moon now comes;
The wrath of Ba'al Or;
Nebiris's quatrain:
Let fear pour and dread consume;
For terror conquers all;
And now we bow with abject horror;
To serve they that crawl;
Profane Tune
Profane tunes are rare among demon lords, with only three of them known to relate to a tune.
Metaphysical, Demonic
Non Demonic Profanities


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