The Forest Cleaners Organization in Theras | World Anvil

The Forest Cleaners

The Forest Cleaners were an adventuring party responisble for many mishappens.   The Party included many adventures over the years, but the most prominent are:   Ajastin the Forest Cleaner, a human paladin of Heimdall who was known for martial prowess and devotion to help the orphans, the co-leader of the party. Uriel the she-elf Ranger, who was the co-leader of the party and a very deadly archer. Ramnos, the 'brother' of Uriel. Alkadim Bin Rim - a mountain dwarf who took an Arqmati name.   The Party was famous for its campaign against Etarr, establishing the great defenses of the kingdom of Keatis and reaching the armistice between Keatis and the elven kingdoms.
Adventuring Party

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