Rayla Character in Theras | World Anvil


Rayla the Nymph, is a power nymph from the Feywild.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Once, in a realm beyond the mortal world, lived a nymph named Rayla. She was a creature of great beauty and power, with the ability to control the elements and manipulate the minds of those around her. But Rayla was not content with her life as a nymph. She yearned for more. Rayla as originally created as elemental at Hirch Thani.   Rayla had heard tales of the archfeys, powerful beings who ruled over the realm of the fey. They were immortal, all-powerful, and commanded the respect and admiration of all who knew of them. Rayla knew that if she could become an archfey, she would be able to shape the world as she saw fit and have the power to grant her every desire.   So, Rayla set out to find a way to become an archfey. She traveled far and wide, seeking out the ancient and powerful fey who could grant her the power she desired. But no matter how hard she searched, no one would help her.   Desperate, Rayla turned to her lover, a mortal man from the prime material plane. She believed that he would do anything for her and that his love for her would be enough to help her become an archfey.   Rayla went to her lover and asked him to help her become an archfey, but he acknowledged her only to have betray her at her moment of triumph.
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
576 AB 475 Years old

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