Hirch Thani Geographic Location in Theras | World Anvil

Hirch Thani

Hirch Thani, or the Stag lands is a regionthat is functioning both as a passage from the Araso-Lond to the sea and a border and obstacle for any incursion from the North, espacially Gontal.

Localized Phenomena

There is an odd number of portals to the Feywild.


The Hirch Thani, is a long fertile land, unclaimed by none. Rumors entail of a beautfiul ruler that had divine powers and had coexisted with nature and was a long standing ally of the Arasilians and their dragons. However, since Pacification of the Swordlords, this area went wild, uncontrolled, with many portals in the continent of Rakion and to the Feywild, while some other scholars claim also the outplanes and the Shadowfell.   In 1,031 AB a disaster known as The Breaking of the Hirch Dam had shifted the political atmosphere of all the neighboring regions.   in 1,051 AB the Morning Stars went on a brave mission to apperhend the The Stag Lord, just before his soul was dragged into the Abyss.
Alternative Name(s)
Stag Lands
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