Realm of Doliran Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Realm of Doliran

Rîn Dolirand, also known as the Realm of Doliran is a land of the Sea Elves in Rakion.


After The Destruction of the Nahrso Homeland, they utilized their inherent connection to the ocean and the powerful magic found within the sunken cities to bolster their defensive capabilities. By harnessing the forces of water and tapping into the ancient spells woven into the submerged ruins, they created numerous strongholds that are both awe-inspiring and impregnable.


With their expertise in water-based magic and their intimate knowledge of the surrounding seas, they established a robust naval defense system, effectively guarding their isles and underwater territories from potential threats. The sunken cities provided strategic advantages, enabling the sea elves to control and manipulate water currents, summon aquatic creatures as allies, and even generate powerful storms when needed.


Among the Seldarine, they mostly venerate Deep Sashelas.
Founding Date
10,567 BB
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Related Species
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