Deep Sashelas Character in Theras | World Anvil

Deep Sashelas (DEEP SA-sheh-lahs)

Deep Sashelas reigns as the undisputed ruler of the undersea depths, and the patron deity of the Sea Elves. He is credited with their very existence, having sculpted them from the land-dwelling creations of Corellon Larethien.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

Deep Sashelas' church deviates from the typical elven structure. Organized by region, it mirrors the vastness of the oceans themselves. Each region fosters a unique branch devoted to its specific sea or ocean, fostering a deep connection to the local environment.   This decentralized approach fosters a surprising level of organization. Sashelan clerics, acting as mediators and ambassadors, have built strong relationships with non-aquatic races. They actively cultivate ties with land-dwelling elves whenever possible. These extensive networks have proven invaluable, allowing them to thwart numerous Sahuagin incursions, earning the sahuagin's relentless enmity.   Delphins, revered as intelligent creatures, play a key role within the clergy. Local delphin populations interact regularly with priests in their communities, often accompanying senior members as companions. Delphins, beyond their social role, actively participate in protecting the undersea realm. They conduct ritualistic hunts to control shark populations and might even launch attacks on sahuagin communities.  

Day-to-Day Activities

The clergy of Deep Sashelas stands apart from most elven priesthoods due to their focus on diplomacy and fostering connections beyond aquatic races. This emphasis on cross-cultural understanding translates into a surprisingly well-organized structure.   Sashelan priests actively cultivate relationships with land-dwelling elves whenever possible. These extensive networks have proven invaluable in thwarting sahuagin incursions, much to the sahuagin's fury.   All priests proudly display the holy symbol of their faith – a lustrous pearl, at least half an inch in diameter. This glistening token embodies the beauty and resilience of the undersea realm, a constant reminder of Deep Sashelas' dominion.  

Priestly Vestments

Priests of Deep Sashelas favor two distinct yet practical styles of attire: Loose-fitting Robes, which are actually flowing robes of a calming sea green hue offer comfort and freedom of movement within the undersea currents. The second style is Shell Armor, as they are providing sturdier protection, intricately crafted "shell mail" serves as a distinctive alternative. Composed entirely of shells, this armor is as much a work of art as it is a form of defense.  


The clergy of Deep Sashelas is known collectively as the Delphions, a name reflecting their close bond with dolphins. Their ranks are structured as follows:  
  • Cilarnon
    Novices who have recently pledged themselves to the Lord of the Undersea. They serve under the guidance of experienced clergy, learning the tenets of the faith and honing their skills.
  • Lhannae
    Acolytes who have demonstrated their devotion and proficiency. They perform rituals, assist with ceremonies, and may even participate in simpler mediation tasks.
  • Aegwyn
    High Priests who have risen through the ranks thanks to their wisdom, leadership, and diplomatic prowess. They represent Deep Sashelas in significant negotiations and undertake complex mediation efforts.
  Beyond their diplomatic pursuits, the Delphions actively safeguard the undersea realm in ritualistic shark hunts, as maintain a healthy ecosystem and controlling the shark populations within their domains. In addition, the oppose the sahuagin, as they are known for their aggression and predatory nature; They are are a constant threat. The Delphions, including elite Delphites, might launch targeted operations to counter sahuagin attacks and defend vulnerable communities.    


Clerics of Deep Sashelas pray for their spells at whichever high tide is closest to midday.   Sashelan priests express their devotion through breathtaking works of art that pay homage to their deity, the "Creator". These creations take various forms:  
  • Living Coral Sculptures
    Individual priests meticulously craft fantastical sculptures from living coral, adorning their homes and communities.
  • Jeweled Coral Art
    Extraordinary works of art are fashioned from living coral, adorned with pearls and jewels, showcasing the beauty and bounty of the ocean.
  • Aquatic Performances
    Priests train schools of fish to perform intricate and awe-inspiring underwater maneuvers and dances, creating a mesmerizing spectacle.
  • Daily Gratitude
    The clergy leads daily observances that thank Deep Sashelas for his benevolence and the endless beauty of the undersea world. These rituals strengthen the bond between the faithful and their deity, fostering a sense of appreciation for the wonders of the ocean depths.

Tenets of Faith

  • Embrace the Flow
    Travel the vast currents and explore the vibrant shallows, for the Undersea offers endless wonder in every depth.
  • Celebrate Transformation
    Revel in the ever-changing beauty and life of the ocean. Embrace impermanence, for it is the source of the Undersea's bounty.
  • Create Like the Deep
    Take joy in the act of creation, and strive to increase the ocean's diverse wonders through art, exploration, and protection.
  • Flow with Change
    Do not cling to what is impermanent. Instead, find beauty and wonder in the constant transformation of the Undersea.
  • Seek Fellowship
    Swim alongside others who honor the Lord of the Undersea. Forge alliances with those who respect the ocean and oppose those who exploit its darkness.
  • Emulate the Dolphin
    Follow the playful wisdom of the dolphin, a creature that embodies joy, grace, and respect for all life within the waves.
  • Share the Ocean's Bounty
    Promote the sustainable use of the seas for all who rely on its resources. Fight against those who hoard its riches or defile its depths.
— The Dogma of Deep Sashelas


Lluthien Celair
This holiday, often referred to as Embrace of the moonflow, is joyous celebration coincides with the peak of the high tide, a time believed to be imbued with potent lunar energy. The Delphions gather for elaborate ceremonies, offering exquisite works of art and precious natural objects as tributes to Deep Sashelas. Lhannae, joined by playful dolphins, weave intricate underwater patterns while chanting resonant songs that praise the Lord of the Undersea and his boundless creations. Laughter, music, and artistic expression fill the undersea realm as the faithful celebrate the beauty and bounty of the ocean.  
Silent Pact with the Deep
Also referred to as, Ward of the Shadowtide is a somber observance takes place during the lowest point of the tide, a time symbolic of vulnerability and potential darkness within the undersea depths. The Delhpions hold solemn ceremonies to honor those lost to the dangers of the ocean and to remember past battles against the Undersea's enemies. The atmosphere is one of quiet determination and vigilance. Lhannae perform martial maneuvers alongside trained sharks, a powerful symbol of the unwavering defense they offer against threats to the peace of the undersea realm.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Deep Sashelas' avatar manifests as a majestic sea elf, his skin and eyes shimmering with the vibrant hues of the ocean – a deep blue intermingling with verdant green.  


Deep Sashelas appears to his worshipers in three different ways:
  • Distant Guiding Light: A twinkling beacon from afar, beckoning those worthy to follow. For those who heed the call, it leads them to a haven of safety within the vast expanse of the ocean.
  • Whispers from the Vents: Emerging from a seemingly insignificant vent, a stream of rising bubbles carries more than just air. In sea elf communities, this signifies the Lord's presence, a subtle warning of impending dangers or looming attacks.
  • Dolphins of Starlight: A mesmerizing vision appears before the sea elves – a magnificent dolphin crafted from shimmering water, its form imbued with an ethereal silver glow. This manifestation serves as a conduit for Sashelas' direct communication with his chosen people.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sashelas is considered to be the brother of both Gruumsh and Corellon.  
Myths and Legends
Once upon a time, Merabyss had control of the Prime Material Planes, before she ventured into the Elemental Plane of Water, it was Sashelas thgat challenged her and made her change her strategy. It was Sashelas, that created Oceanus and pushed Merabyss' influence out of the Upper Planes.

Personality Characteristics


Sashelas embodies boundless creativity. He ceaselessly reshapes the underwater landscape, raising islands from continental rifts, coaxing vibrant reefs from dormant volcanoes, and even crafting the deep caverns that serve as the sea elves' air-filled havens.   Hailed as "The Knowledgeable One", Deep Sashelas guides his followers with wisdom, offering insights into hidden dangers and bountiful resources lurking within the ocean's embrace.   Deep Sashelas' influence extends across the vast waters of Theras and Oceanus. He actively fosters positive relationships with all non-malicious underwater races, not just the sea elves. His natural charisma and unparalleled mediation skills make him an invaluable asset in maintaining peace and cooperation within the undersea realm.   While rarely seen directly engaging in combat, Deep Sashelas doesn't hesitate to manifest his avatar when confronted by Sekolah or Merabyss, two of the greatest threats to the undersea's well-being. His interventions are often accompanied by Trishina, his unwavering consort, lending her own power to the cause. Occasionally, he might even be joined by other benevolent sea deities in a display of unified strength.


Contacts & Relations

Deep Sashelas stands apart from his fellow Seldarine. A charismatic leader and visionary artist, he possesses an insatiable drive for constant creation and improvement. However, unlike others who find solace in their finished works, Deep Sashelas remains perpetually dissatisfied, always seeking to refine and evolve.   This restless spirit extends to his personal life. Tales abound of his amorous exploits with mermaids, mortal sea elf maidens, even human women, and even a demigoddess. While his consort, Trishina, possesses a certain tolerance for these dalliances, her patience has limits.   The other Seldarine find amusement in Trishina's remarkable ability to detect Deep Sashelas's wandering affections and promptly intervene. With a well-timed warning or a subtle maneuver, she consistently thwarts his attempts, much to his (temporary) chagrin.   The Lord of the Undersea stands as a stalwart guardian against the myriad evils that lurk within the ocean's depths. He opposes the machinations of both ancient and rising threats, such as: Powerful demonic entities like Demogorgon and Dagon are forever seeking to corrupt the undersea with their chaotic influence. Sashelas stands as a bulwark against their dark ambitions. He also opposes underdark denziens such as Blibdoolpoolp, who find themselves at odds with Sashelas' vision for the undersea.   One of his chief enemies is Sekolah who embodies an aggressive and predatory aspect of the ocean that Sashelas strives to keep in balance and his main advesary: Merabyss.   Thefore, Sahelas recognizes the danger that Merabyss poses above the waves as well, and has recently lent his aid to Bailshar, god of sailors and naval tactics. This unlikely partnership serves as a natural counterweight to Merabyss's growing grip on the seas of Theras.   The Greatest achievement of Sahelas, is establishing the Asathalfinare and though not the official leader, Deep Sashelas' influence holds the asathalfinare together.
Lord of the Undersea;
The Doplhin Prince;
Sailor's Friend;
The Creator;
The Leviathan Lord;
Warden of the Coral Courts;
Divine Classification
Intermediate Power
Chaotic Good
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Oceans, Sea Elves, Knowledge, Creation, Underwater Communities
Chaos (Azata, Protean), Community, Elf, Good (Agathion, Azata, Friendship), Knowledge (None), Protection, Water
Sea Elves, druids, fishers, rangers, sages, sailors
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
Trifork of the Deeps (Trident)
Holy Days
Lluthien Celair, Cyngar Amdhoras


The Orcas' Fury
These unwavering champions of Deep Sashelas wield righteous fury against the Undersea's most wicked denizens. From their base within the Citadel of the Sea of Wrath, and with a foothold in The Gray Ocean, they relentlessly hunt ixitxachiti, koalinth, krakens, merrow, scrags, and the ever-present sahuagin menace.  
Guardians of the Trade Routes
This multifaceted order serves as a vital bulwark against the sahuagin threat. A combined force of clerics, crusaders, and skilled aquamancers, they patrol a network of three hundred undersea citadels and numerous smaller outposts strategically positioned across the various oceans of Theras. Their primary mission is to contain the sahuagin threat within, ensuring safe passage for merchants and travelers.  
Sashelasian Rangers
While not an official part of the church hierarchy, Deep Sashelas also fosters a network of independent sea elf ranger pods. These skilled scouts and hunters serve a vital role in safeguarding the Undersea from a variety of threats.


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