Sabodtonner Species in Theras | World Anvil


Sabodtonners, or Thunder Hooves, are large domesticated one-toe hoofed mammals, native to the Osvir Planes. They are bovine like in appearance but are significantly more intelligent and delicate than their relatives, making them a common riding animal in the Kingdom of Saltis. Sabodtonners are symbolic of the Osviri Thunders, the elite heavy cavalry of the kingdom.

Basic Information


Sabodtonners are similar in appearance to bovines such as cattle and wild cows, though they are thin and muscular, with mane-like coats of long hair. Adults grow up to 2 meters in height at the shoulder and 3.1 meters in length, and can weigh from around 480 to 1,020 kilograms. Unlike all other bovines, however, they possess non-cloven hooves, an attribute that significantly increases the sound made by their movement; this quality contributes to the effectiveness of the shock-and-awe attacks made by the Osviri Thunders.

Genetics and Reproduction

Sabodtonners seem to be an offshoot of common cattle, and can breed with them, giving birth to Skows. However, similarly to mules, skows are infertile.
Scientific Name
Bovis Inopinatum
30 years
Average Height
1.8 meters at the shoulder
Average Weight
750 kg
Average Length
2.8 meters
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