Osviri Thunders Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Osviri Thunders

The Osviri Thunders are the cavalry of the Saltisian Armed Forces. The name is an obvious reference to the thunderhooves on whose back they ride to battle.


Though they are comprised mostly of nobles and knights, the Osviri Thunders also recruit and train commoners who show great promise and pass a series of grueling tests. This unique composition leads to a seemingly loose organizational structure, though with a clear hierarchy.  



While the general military doctrine and inner-unit tactics used by the Osviri Thunders are kept secret, their best known tactic is not only hard to conceal, but also used as a method of psychological warfare. Aptly named Shock-and-Awe, this tactic involves an assault made with overwhelming disproportionate force that forgoes looting or taking captives, and has simple objective: annihilation. Shock-and-Awe attacks leave neither survivors nor buildings, with the attacked site being completely razed to the ground and set ablaze.


A Sweep is a method of advancement used in conjunction with other supporting forces; the Osviri Thunders advance quickly between two points, usually going along a defensive line and attacking from one of its flanks, heavily relying on Shock-and-Awe attacks. The supporting forces quickly follow the Thunders' path, establishing strongpoints or using undestroyed fortifications built by the enemy.

Choc et Crainte, Feu et Fureur
(Shock and Awe, Fire and Fury)

Formation Type
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Parent Organization
Related Species
Related Ethnicities


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