Sealtiel Character in Theras | World Anvil

Sealtiel (see-AHL-teel)

Sealtiel is a member of the Celestial Hebdomad and ruler of Jovar, the Glittering Heaven of Mount Celestia. His symbol is the dog, and he is a patron of warden archons.   As Defender of the Seven Heavens, Sealtiel leads a huge standing army of archons and other celestials in defense of the plane and especially Chronias, the Seventh Heaven, which is forbidden to all but the most pure.   As patron of the warden archons, Sealtiel provides the watchers with new orders. They also often comes to him for enlightenment, hoping to gain advice on how to live in such a way as to eventually enter the Seventh Heaven.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Sealtiel is a beautiful tome archon standing nine feet (three meters) tall. Sexless, but with masculine features, he has large wings with metallic white feathers. His skin is ebony, and his eyes are silver and shone like stars. He has no hair and wore no armor or clothing but is surrounded by a glittering aura.

Special abilities

Sealtiel has all of the powers common to tome archons. In addition to these, unique magical abilities are available to him. He can detect chaos and evil and see any creature as they truly were.   By thought alone, he can consecrate an area with positive energy, create a ceaseless fire, illuminate an area with a light as bright as day, surround his head with a flaming crown of brilliance so bright to blind foes, dispel all but the most powerful magical effects, make a site holy, protect his allies with a holy aura, instill hope in subjects within range, send a short message to an individual anywhere in the multiverse, defend himself with a mystical shield, fill an evil creature with intense feelings of remorse, and grant a subject a vision of the Seven Heavens. He can also whisper messages to recipients at a distance.   For his allies, he can imbue them with the ability to cast certain spells. He can blind his enemies by smiting them with holy power. With a single, spoken holy word, he can slay or banish wicked beings, and he can harm and daze creatures of chaos with the power of order.   Once a day, can could perform a miracle or cause a great earthquake.   Sealtiel is extraordinarily skilled at defensive tactics. If he takes a defensive stance in combat and remains in one location, his personal defense become even more phenomenal.   Sealtiel could also grant a supernatural power of defense to others. No matter the size, any building or structure occupied by Sealtiel was substantially harder to damage, including all of its doors, walls, and other objects. Inhabitants of the structure also received magical defensive protection from his very presence.[1]

Specialized Equipment

Sealtiel's favored weapon is a large greatclub, wreathed in white flames of holy fire. He rules from the fortress of Pax Exaltea, also known as Vanguard, on the sixth level of the city of Yetsira in Jovar.


Contacts & Relations

One of Sealtiel's favored champions is Arkareon, a nature-loving movanic deva whom Sealtiel had raised from the dead at least seventeen times to continue in his service.
Divine Classification
Intermediate Power
Ruled Locations


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